Chapter 36: Niall's Twitcam.

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Chapter 36:

Hazel's POV.

"Did you tell him?" I asked Cynthia, who just got back from her date. She looked sad.

"Yeah..." She slumped down on the couch.

"What did he say?"

"Well, he asked me on another date, but then I told him I'm moving on Friday, and he looked pretty upset. He doesn't want me to go..." She bit her lip.

"He must really like you. I'm sorry that you have to go. Why can't you just stay with us?" I asked with a concerned look.

"Mum really wants me back. She misses me, and so does dad. It's been more than a month, and I've never stayed that long away from them, let alone been out of New Zealand before this. The thing that's even worse is that I can't come back. Not for a long time anyway. This trip took about all the money I have."

"Damn. We all wish you could stay longer."

"Me too. I'm so glad I came to visit. I can't believe I've met One Direction, became close friends with them, and on the verge of dating Louis Tomlinson, in the span of a holiday... It just all seems so unreal." She shook her head.

"Believe me, I feel the same way." I sat back down on the couch.

"We all do." Kat was leaning against the door frame, looking quite thin, mature and tall, since she was wearing black heals and a blue tightish dress for some odd reason. She kinda looks like a model to me.

"What are you wearing, and why?" Cynthia looked puzzled.

"Well, you were just on a date. I was wondering what my first date will be like, and what I would wear... And who it would be with." She looked at her heals.

"You're only sixteen, you don't need to worry that much at least until you're seventeen..." Cynthia laughed, but then stopped when she realized I've never been on a date, and I'm turning nineteen this year.

I looked at the ground. "Yep, I'm just gonna head off to bed now. See you in the morning, and we'll try to get to school." I aimed the last part at Kat.

"Night." I heard them say as I walked up the staircase.

I walked into my room, and turned my laptop on, since I'm not that tired.

As it booted up, I stripped off my daytime clothes, and got into my comfy, warm pajama bottoms, along with a singlet.

After I was done, I went to my computer table, and typed up "Twitter". I don't even know why I have a Twitter. I don't have any friends to follow me, or to follow. Besides the five boys now.

Wow, I haven't been on since I met those life-changing boys... Last time I checked, I had 3 followers. One was Kat, another was Cynthia, and I didn't even know who the hell the other person was.

Time to see if I have anymore.

Wow, Okay. It says that, @zaynmalik, @Louis_Tomlinson, @Real_Liam_Payne, @Harry_Styles, @NiallOfficial, and 5894 others followed you.

And the One Direction boys are all verified.

And a lot of tweets to me.

I guess my name spread around quick, ever since the photos of Niall and I came out.

I am getting quite a lot of messages. Most of them are telling me how much I don't deserve Niall and that I should kill myself. Wow people can be mean.

I pushed the horrible thoughts to the back of my head. I tried ignoring them but I guess it didn't really work. How could these people hate someone they don't even know?

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