Chapter 53: You and I

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Hazel's POV.

Why did I say that? No-one? Was that the best decision?

"Fine, then. Goodbye, Hazel." Chris stormed out of the house, slamming the front door.

I doubt I'll ever see him again.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. Niall was still standing in front of me.

"Seriously?" he said.

"No," I opened my eyes, "I lied. I didn't want to look like a slut when I chose you. I mean, I dated you, and then him, and now you again. Don't you think it seems-"

He cut me off with a hug, picking me up at the same time.

"Woah!" I hugged him back.

"Me... You chose me over that bastard. This is great." He finally put me down.

"Don't call him that, please, Niall? But can we take it slow? I just broke up with my boyfriend. I don't want to rush into things. I dated him for two months."

"I was the better boyfriend, right?" Niall asked.

"I..." I looked at him with unease.

"C'mon, you have to admit." He nudged me, "It can be our little secret."

"Uh, not with all of them around." I pointed to the boys and the girls. They were just plotted in random places, watching us.

"Guys, seriously?" he looked at all of them. They just snapped in realisation.

"Oh! Do you want us to go back inside or something?" Harry asked.

"Kind of, mate." Niall said.

"Well, we all know what the answer is," Louis sounded like he was going to say something realistic, "I was the best boyfriend."

"But you didn't date my girlfriend." Niall had his wtf face on.

"How would you know?" he sassed.

"C'mon, Lou." Cynthia laughed and dragged him inside, and the rest of them followed.

And that's what reminded me of something, "Hey, Harry! Can you do me a favour?" I asked.

"Sure, and what's that?" he turned around.

"Go follow fans on Twitter. They keep asking me to ask you that." I shrugged.

"Fine, I'll try." he went back inside with the others.

"So... Was I the better boyfriend?" Niall wondered.

I looked at the ground then back up at him, "Of course you were, Niall."


"Are we going to tell the public?" Niall asked me. We were at the boy's house now, and me and Niall were just lying on his bed, talking everything through.

"Well, it's your decision. You're what the public want." My head was actually resting on his chest, but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he likes it.

"Well... I highly doubt that." He slightly shook his head.

"Hey, you're Niall freaking Horan. You're what everyone wants." I laughed.

"And do you want me?" he blushed.

"I already have you." I kissed his cheek, and laid back down.

"And I have you. But I do think it's your decision. I mean, you dated Chris, and they know that. Then suddenly it's switched to me. Don't you think they'll... Look down on you?"

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