Chapter 38: I Don't Swim.

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Kat's POV.

Time for school... Great.

I stepped off the bus, and said goodbye to Hazel, as she wondered off to no where particular. I saw 3 girls run up to her, asking for her number, in which she said no, of course. She ended up giving them her autograph, and took a picture with them, which I can tell she hated, because she dislikes cameras. She finally got away from the girls and left. Thank god for her.

"Hey Kat!" My friend Poppy ran up and hugged me.

"Hey, Pop." I hugged her back.

That's like, our morning routine every time we see each other.

It's been like that ever since I met her, which was the first time I came to this school. We aren't best friends, but we are close.

"How was the This Is Us premiere?" She gasped.

"It was great! I had a lot of fun with Harry and the boys. Lots of interviews, though." I replied.

I can tell these things to her, because she's not a huge fan of One Direction. She doesn't mind them, so I can tell her things that I can't with other directioners, which is a great thing.

"I still can't believe you went as Harry's date!" She smiled as we walked to class.

"I know! I hope people don't start making accusations that I'm dating him, because I'm not. He only asked me, because I didn't have a date."

"Aw! You looked so beautiful in that dress! And your hair! So pretty." She played with my long blonde hair, like we always do.

"Thanks! You are too."

"Hey, is that Dylan?! He's coming over to us!" She whispered and turned my head in the direction that the hot guy was in.

"Oh my gosh! Do I look okay?" I freaked out. He's the hottest guy in our year. He's really nice and helpful, which is a bonus. I think I like him, but so do plenty of other girls.

"Hey, girls." He spoke with his pretty English accent.

"H-hey, Dylan.. What are you doing here?" I stuttered, surprised that he came over to us.

"Well... Kat, I was wondering if we could hangout on Saturday or something?" He asked.

Wait, what? What the hell just happened..? He knows my name? Well of course he knows my name! We're partners in science. Geez, I'm an idiot. Hey... Did he just ask me on a da- No... Impossible...

"Ah... Sure! I'd love to! Who's coming?" I'm still freaking out.

"I was hoping it'd be just us two, like a date, ya know?"

"Oh, okay. That's fine." Still freaking out over here...

"Here's my number. Text me yours. I'll see you in science. Bye Poppy." He passed me a piece of paper, winked at me, and walked off.

His chocolate brown hair looked perfect in the sun, and his brown eyes... Wow. Gorgeous...

"Oh my gosh! You just got asked out by the most popular guy in our year... So lucky... And you're science partners! You can get to know each other more! Ah! This is so great!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"This is too good to be true..." I squealed and made my way to English.

>After school<

Kat's POV.

"Really? Dylan? That's great! I've heard good things about him." Hazel said after I told her and Cynthia about the Dylan asking me out thing.

"I know! He's so nice! But why does he ask me out now?" I'm confused.

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