Chapter 3: Starstruck

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Chapter 3: Starstruck

Hazel Starr

He held his hand out, wanting to shake my hand.

"I'm Niall Horan, it's nice to meet you, Hazel Starr." he said, as I shook his hand.

"You too, It's an honor." Whoa, starstruck much. Right now is a very special moment.

We stopped shaking hands.

Oh god. I hope my hand wasn't sweaty from running or anything.

"Don't worry, it wasn't. Even if it was, I wouldn't care." He smiled.

Oh dear, I have to stop saying things out loud.

He laughed, "Haha, you're funny, I like you."

Damn, I did it again.

"Um... Sorry about that. I'm just kind of nervous and starstruck."

He laughed, "Please don't be. Are you a fan of One Direction?" He asked.

"Well, I'm obviously not the biggest fan in the world, since I couldn't recognise you with just sunglasses on, but I enjoy your music." L

He smiled, "That's perfect. I'm glad you're not a crazy screaming fan like them."

"Haha, me too..." At that moment, I got a text. I pulled out my phone.

It was from Kat.

From: Kat :P

Wat happened? Where r u? U weren't on the bus? :/

I texted back.

To: Kat :P

I ran into Jessica. >:( Literally. I'm in town. Tell mum I'll be home later, k?

She texted back straight away.

From: Kat :P

I'll tell her. Bye :)

I put my phone away, "Sorry, that was rude."

"Who was it?" Niall asked.

"That was my sister. She asked where I was, and why I missed the bus." I sighed.

"Did you miss the bus because you were running from someone?" He asked.

I didn't really know if I should tell him.

We only just met. I can't tell him about being bullied by Jessica.

My eyes tinged and started watering, so I looked away from him.

Why would he want to know anyway? He's famous and probably couldn't care less about me.

"Do you really want to know? Or are you just saying that?"

I mean, what famous person wants to know about my life?

"Of course I want to know. I am a human-being, I do care. I don't ask things that a don't want to know. And I asked, so please tell me. It's probably a better excuse then running away from fans, anyway." he said in his cute Irish accent.

He made me giggle a bit, "Okay I'll tell you, but we should start walking. I think they're gone now, anyway."

He put his sunglasses on and his hoodie over his head.

"Lets head to Nandos, while you explain what happened." I laughed and agreed with Niall.



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