Chapter 41: Detective H. Styles.

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Dedicated to Niall Horan. Happy 20th.


3 days later.

Hazel's POV.

"Hazel? You in here?" Niall called out throughout the house before finding me in the kitchen.

"Hey babe." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"So today is the interview and I was thinking because we haven't announced our relationship on public television, that you could come. It will be fun. You can hang out with us between the breaks. What do you say?" He asked.

"Sure, it'll be great. Cynthia should come too."

"Perfect." He smiled barring his perfect teeth before placing a soft kiss on my lips.

*Hours later*

"Hello, England. Today we have special quests. Our very own One Direction!" The interviewer said to the live audience and into the cameras. "Now boys, fans have been asking many questions but most of them have been asking about your current relationship status'. So lets start with Harry. Who was this girl you took to the premiere? Isn't she a bit young for your liking?" She asked. Harry looked to his feet and laughed.

"Hahaha. We're not dating, we're just friends. More like brother and sister. We have a special relationship but it would be weird going any further with her."

The live audience started sighing with relief in the background after he said it.

"Does she have a name, or are we just going to have to call her 'she'?" The interviewer laughed.

"Her name is Katherine. Actually, she's Hazel's sister and Cynthia's cousin."

I looked to Cynthia when Harry pointed to us both.

"Now, Cynthia is rumored to be dating Louis. Do you mind telling us about that?" She turned her attention to Louis now.

"Um, Yes Cynthia and I are dating. She's a special girl." Louis winked and blew a kiss to Cynthia, which the camera caught. It was rather cute actually.

"Aw well, we wish the best to both of you." The interviewer said to Louis. "So how many of you are actually single?" of course Harry, Liam and Zayn raised their hands.

"So then that leaves Niall. We have pictures from the premiere." Pictures showed up behind them of Niall and I together, and a close-up shot of the ring that was on my finger that night.


"So Niall, tell us. We all knew this topic would pop up sometime. How did you pop the question?" She asked and sounded very excited.

"Yeah... about that. I didn't actually ask her to marry me." The interviewer had a puzzled look on her face. "That was a prank towards the boys that kinda went wrong." Niall looked so embarrassed and the boys started laughing. Louis laughed so hard that he actually fell off his seat.

"A prank?" she asked still looking confused.

"Yeah, well... The boys wouldn't give us privacy, so Hazel and I decided they needed to learn how to not eavesdrop, so we set up a prank. Then we forgot about the ring and that's when it all went wrong."

"Oh so your not engaged to be married?"

"Not yet." He smiled at me.

*2 months later.*

Hazel's POV.

"Niall? Really? We're actually doing this?" I asked him.

"Well, yeah. Since our birthdays are 1 day apart, we may as well." he smiled and shrugged.

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