Chapter 29: Broken Down.

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Dedicated to melovesfood, for all the nice and awesome comments! Thankyou! :)

Chapter 30:

Hazel's POV.

"Well.. I'm gonna take a wild guess, and say the car just broke down..." Louis answered quietly and sadly.

"What?!" The boys screamed.

Niall's grip on my hand tightened.

He's scared.

"W-what..?" I quietly stuttered.

Oh, god.

I have to face the facts...

I'm stabbed. With what?

The paramedic had a heart attack. Why?

The ambulance broke down. How?

And we're stuck with 5 gorgeous idiots who have no idea what they're doing... Why?

We're both gonna die!

"The ambulance broke down.." Harry told me.

"I heard.. I'm just kinda in shock right now..." I whispered and closed my eyes. How did I not feel the pain before? When Jessica stabbed me? Must have been adrenaline, and she must have done it when we were rolling around and throwing punches...

It hurts like hell now..

"It'll be okay! It'll be fine! Okay?! Everyone calm down!" Zayn pipped up, even though he was the only one visibly freaking out.

"We could call the hospital?" Louis suggested.

Call the hospital? Great idea!

"Don't you think it would be a little confusing..? For all of us?" Harry objected.

"Just-just do something!" I screamed in pain. I shouldn't have done that..

I did the one thing I was trying not to do; Cry.

I seriously just burst into tears, right in front of everyone, right when they need me to stay strong.

I feel like Im having a mental breakdown.

At least I have people who love me, around, well, me this time.

Last time something like this happened..

No one was with me.

There was someone, but I wouldn't even count him as a real person;

He's a monster.

Gosh, I'm so embarrassed.

I have to stop crying!

"Don't be embarrassed" Niall calmly spoke.

I see what he's doing; He's trying to keep me as calm as possible..

Wait, he obviously heard me before. Speaking what I'm thinking is so annoying, but it's just what I had learned to do after what happened last time. I've just gotten used to it.

"Don't tell me what to do.." I sorta did a mumbling laugh.

It was a sincere joke.. But it didn't really sound like it.

Whoops.. Eh, I'm in pain. I can say what I want.

Niall obviously took it as a joke-thank gosh- when he smiled, trying to light the mood.

Harry looked at me sadly. I guess he thinks he's the reason the tears stream down my face... Wait...

Did I just use one of their song lyrics?!

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