Chapter 12: One Way Or Another

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Chapter 12: One Way Or Another

Hazel Starr

"Okay. Your turn, Hazel. Truth or Dare?" Harry asked.

I can't choose. I mean, the Dare's were pretty horrible. But Truth... I don't know. What if he asks me something personal that I don't want to answer?

But I don't wanna jump into the pool naked. One way or another, someone's going to have to do it.

"Uh... I'll choose... Truth, I guess."

Wha? It's gotta be better than Dare.

Harry started talking "Alright. You have to tell us... If you could date anyone in the band... Who would you choose?"

I take it back, I want to choose Dare!

My face grew red again.

"I can't answer that..." I said shyly.

I think I would have chosen Niall out of all of them, but I don't want to say that. He doesn't like me, so it would make our friendship awkward if I chose him.

"You can't, or you won't? Is it because you wouldn't know who to choose? Or is it because you don't want to hurt the lads' feelings? Or do you think it might get awkward?" Harry asked.

Is he reading my mind?

"I can't answer that. You guys are all practically equal to me, and even if I did choose someone, I wouldn't want to hurt the boys feelings either." I lied.

I would straight away choose Niall.

I looked at Niall. He kinda looked sad. Is it what I said?

"Well... If you don't choose someone... You're jumping into the pool. Naked." Harry smirked.

Uhhhh. I don't want to!

I could see all the lads staring at me.

"But... But..." I said. I was really uncomfortable with this. I don't want to get naked in front of One Direction! There have already been too many naked people today!

"C'mon Hazel. You have too. It's the rules." Harry shrugged.

Does he want me to get nude in front of him? Well... I wouldn't put it past him. Harry is the 'flirt' in the band.

"I can't do this." I whispered to Niall. He was the one I trusted the most.

"I know. I think I have an idea.." Niall whispered back.

"Okay... Hazel really doesn't want to do that, and she doesn't look very comfortable. I'll take her place if you guys will let me?" Niall suggested.

What? He would do that for me..?

Awww. That's so nice. But I can't let him do that.

"Niall... You don't have to." I said to him.

"But I want to, if you don't." he smiled at me. That was completely sweet of him.

"Okay, Hazel. I'll let you off this one time. Niall get ready." Harry sighed.

Good. But dammit. Seriously?

Another naked guy from One Direction? This is just crazy...

Niall took his top off next to me. Nice abs...

"Like what your seeing, love?" Louis said to me. I blushed.

"If you don't want to see another naked guy today, I suggest you turn around. If you want." Niall shrugged.

My face went red and I turned around. No, I didn't want to see another nude guy today.

I heard someone running and then a splash. I'm guessing that was Niall.

"Hey, mate! Here's a towel!" I heard Liam shout to Niall.

"Thanks, Liam." Niall said back to him. I turned around.

Niall looked gorgeous. He was soaking wet, topless, towel around his waist, and he smiled at me.

I couldn't help it, it was contagious, and I smiled back.

He sat back down.

"Thanks for doing that for me..."

I told him.

"Oh, don't worry about it. That's nothing." Niall said.

"Oh, so jumping into a pool naked is nothing?" I smirked at him. I don't call that nothing.

"I suppose so, yeah." he smirked back.

"Get a room, guys!" Louis yelled.

Me and Niall started laughing. I like these guys... Their cool.

Niall lent me some loose pants for the night to replace my skinny jeans, since his clothes were the ones I was most likely to fit.

I came out with my hair in a loose bun, wearing loose baggy pants and my black tank top.

We all had snacks and hung out, to get to know each other more.

We stayed up for another two hours until all of us got tired.

The lads said good night and walked to their rooms while Niall took me to the guest room.

"Okay, so just down the hall is the bathroom and to the left of that is my room, so if you need anything, I'll be in there. Oh, and if you get hungry in the night, which I normally do, just go down to the kitchen and grab whatever you want." he smiled.

"Thanks, Niall. I had a really fun night tonight." I smiled back.

"Well that's what I was hoping." he shrugged.

I giggled. "Well, I'll see you in the morning." I shrugged.

"Goodnight, Hazel." he said and he kissed my cheek.

His blue eyes met mine for a couple of lingering seconds.

"Night..." I said slowly.

I walked into the room. Wow. I really think I like him.

Niall Horan

"Well, I'll see you in the morning." Hazel said.

She was so beautiful right now, without even trying, with her hair loosely tied into a bun, and wearing baggy clothes.

"Goodnight, Hazel." I kissed her cheek.

What? I couldn't help it, okay?

My eyes met her sky-blue ones for what seemed like hours, and then she said slowly

"Night..." and turned away, shutting the door. I walked away to my room.

I really like her, I thought to myself.

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