Chapter 45: 3 Years.

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Hazel's POV.

"So I'll just drop you home, and then I'll go grocery shopping, okay?" Cynthia explained while driving home.

"Yep. When's Kat coming home from Poppy's?" I asked.

"Well, it's about 4pm now... So around 8pm tonight." She pulled up to my drive.

"Okay, see ya soon, Cyn." I opened the car door.

"Cynthia. Bye." She waved and drove off.

I started walking up to my front door, when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said as I picked up.

"Happy birthday! I still can't believe you're 19 today!" Niall exclaimed over the phone.

He's been calling me everyday for the past week he's been gone, telling me how much he enjoyed touring to different counties, and how he missed me. He said he was already getting tired with the different times and jet lag, but he's loving every moment of it.

"Thanks, yeah, me too." I sighed.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"It's been 3 years already. 3 years since my dad passed away." I sighed again. "It just all seems like yesterday." I unlocked my door.

"Aw, Haz, I'm still so sorry about that, I just-"

"Don't apologize. I really don't like it when people do that when they hear about my fathers death. It just makes me feel worse. Just... Talk about happy things." I smiled, although he can't see it.

"Well, I guess your birthday is a good thing, right?"

"Well, I told you I hate today, and don't really celebrate it anymore, but I guess I could. I mean, I was finally excited about the party we were going to throw tomorrow, but obviously that can't happen, since your in a different country." I shrugged. "But that's why Cynthia decided to go to the shop and buy some party food for me, her and Kat to snack on tonight."

"Well, that's something to look forward to. Oh, and sorry about the party thing..." he said.

"Oh! Don't worry about that. I don't think I would have fit in with crowds of people anyway. I guess it's for the better, right?" I laughed.

"I'm sure you would have been fine. Anyway, did you get any presents?" he asked excitedly.

"Yep. Haha, Kat got me your albums Up All Night, and Take Me Home. Oh, and to go with that, Cynthia gave me what she thought would be even funnier than that; a Niall doll. One of those toy thingys that sings What Makes You Beautiful." I giggled.

"Oh my gosh! Haha! Well that's not completely weird! Haha, Louis! Cynthia got Hazel a Niall doll! Isn't that funny?" He shouted to Louis over the phone.

"What?! Oh my gosh! Tell Cyn that when I get back, I'm going to give her the biggest kiss, cause she's learned from the master of jokes!" Louis shouted.

"Hey! Give my phone back!" Niall said from a distance.

"Never!" It sounded like Louis was running around now. "Liam! Liam Payne-in-the-ass! Where are you?!"

"Nice to hear your voice too, Lou..." I laughed.

"Hazel, do you have any idea, that you just rhymed! 'too' and 'Lou'?! Ha!" He laughed. "No- Wait! No!" The phone rustled, and I heard someone speak.

"Hey, Hazel. Happy birthday, how's your day been?" Liam asked cheerily.

"Well, school was horrific, as usual, with loads of fans coming up to talk to me about you boys, but It just got better, since I'm talking to you guys. Oh, and because it's Friday, thanks for asking, Liam." I smiled.

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