Chapter 24: Your Song.

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  • Dedicated to Cynthia, the best sandwich maker in the world :) .... And sister ;)

My fingers instantly remembered how to play and danced around the keys in perfect sync and rhythm.

I opened my mouth to sing and I remembered how fun this was...


Hazel's POV. [The song is called Your Song by Janet Devlin. You should listen to it before, or while you read].

"It's a little bit funny...

This feeling inside...

I'm not one of those, who can easily hide...

I don't have money... But boy, if I did...

I'd buy a big house where... We both could live...

So excuse me for getting... But these things that I do...

See, I've forgotten if, they're green, or they're blue...

Anyway, the thing is.. What I really mean...

Yours are the sweetest eyes...

I've ever seen...

And you can tell everybody...

This is your song... It may be quite simple but, now that its done...

I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words... How wonderful life is, now you're in the world...

If I was a sculptor, but then again, no...

Or a man who makes potions in a, traveling show...

I know it's not much, but..

It's the best I can do...

My gift is my song and, this ones for you...


And you can tell everybody...

This is your song...

This is your song... It may be quite simple but, now that its done...

I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words... How wonderful life is, now you're in the world..." I sang.

I looked up at Niall, and he looked shocked...

I knew it was bad!

"Niall..? Was it that bad..?" I asked sadly.

"What?! No! That was awesome!" He smiled.

"No it wasn't!" I objected.

"Hazel, that was great. You are a really good singer" he said truthfully.

"Really..?" I asked, surprised.


Niall's POV. <>

"It's a little bit funny...

This feeling inside...

I'm not one of those, who can easily hide..." Hazel sang.

Wow... Oh my gosh...

She's really, really good.

If I didn't know her, I would have though she was a professional singer and pianist.

She sang her lyrics perfectly, and the piano chords was fantastic.

I was not expecting this at all...

She should become a singer.

She could be famous...

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