Chapter 22: Skype Time

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Niall's face popped up and he smiled.

"Hazel!" He said.

I couldn't help but smile back.


Hazel's POV.

What? I like him! I'm sure you would smile at your crush!

"Hey, Niall!" I said excitedly.

"Have you been in the shower?" He asked.

What? How did he know?

Is he a stalker?

"Oh! I mean, your hair is wet, so, I just... Um... That sounded creepy didn't it?" He bit his lip.

"Yeah... It kinda did." I said slowly.

He smiled, "Let's start again! Hazel! Your hair is damp, did you have a shower or something?"

I smiled, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I did."

"I see your in your PJs." he added.

Oh no, I forgot. I should have dressed into something better.

I didn't even brush my hair.

"Dont worry about it." Niall smiled.

Did I say that out loud? God, I'm such an idiot!

"Stop! stop telling yourself that! I cant stand it when girls say that about themselves! You're not an idiot, please. Louis is, though." He added.

And I had spoken what I thought again.

"Really? You bring up Louis?"

"He is though," Niall laughed.

He's right.

Louis can be a real idiot sometimes.

Okay, most of the time.

Yeah. Your right about that. Oh, and sorry for not dressing in something more appropriate..." I said, apologizing.

"Don't worry! To make it even, I'll dress in mine!" And with that, he jumped from his chair, and ran... I don't even know where... To his pajamas?

Suddenly, Zayn popped up from under Niall's computer table and onto the screen, "Vas happening?!"

I jolted in my chair, and then sighed, "Zayn! You scared me."

"Sup, Haze..." He said, squinting his eyes and bobbing his head up and down, trying to act attractive.

Well, I must admit, he already is.

And seriously, what's with the nicknames?





What are they gonna think of next? Hay?

"What were you doing under the table? Does Niall know you were there?" I asked.

"Oh, totally... He wanted me there..." Zayn said in an unpleasant voice.

Okay, full on creepy tone, "I'm kidding! He didn't know I was there!" He explained.

"That's a relief," I laughed.

"Zayn! Who are you talking to?" I heard Louis shout from Niall's room.


"Hazey-Ray's skyping? Let me see" I heard Lou shout again.

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