Chapter 34: Paparazzi

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Hazel's POV.

Uh... I'm so tired.
I just woke up.

What day is it..?
Yesterday I went to the concert...
Such an awesome concert...
We stayed up so late last night... Or this morning... At about 3am this morning, is when we got home.

The concert was on a... Sunday. So today is.. Monday.

Wait, Monday?!
Shoot! There's school!

I quickly sat up in my bed and checked the time.


No! 5 minutes until the bus arrives!

I quickly got up an dressed in 2 minutes.

"Kat! Get up!" I ran into her room.
Nearly all the posters of One Direction were off her walls.
About two or three remaining.
I'm guessing the rest are stuffed under her bed.

"Huh..? What..?" She tiredly stretched and lifted her messy bed-haired head.

"Get up! It's nearly 8:15! C'mon!" I pulled her covers off her bed.

"What? It's Monday?!" She got up and grabbed clothes from her closet.

I ran out and grabbed my bag and quickly got to the bottom of the staircase.

"Hazel! Why are you so rushy?" Tom asked.

"I'm late. I have to go. Bye Tommy." I kissed him on the head.

Kat ran down stairs; hairbrush in hand. I didn't even have time to brush my hair of put make up on.

"Let's go!" She said as we ran out the door.

We ran to the bus stop just as the bus left.

"No!" I exclaimed.

"Ugh! How are we supposed to get to school? Mum's probably already left with Tom!" She stressed.

"And Cynthia can't drive us, because mum took the car, obviously." I sighed.

"We can't walk... That'll take half an hour.." She sighed this time.

"I know!" She clapped her hand.

"What..?" I said, completely confused.

"Ya know... Some people that might be able to get us to school... They're called, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall and Harry.." She smirked.

"No! They're probably asleep! I don't want to disturb them a day after a concert..." I said, but knowing they're the only way to get to school.

"I'll call Harry. He can't say no to me.." She pulled out her phone, and called him.

"Hey Harry. Well.. We missed our bus. Yeah, late night. Do you think you could drop us off? 10 minutes? Yeah, we can wait that long. Love ya! Bye!" She hung up.

"I take that as a yes?"

"I told you; he can't say no.." She smiled.

*10 minutes and 14 seconds later..*

After brushing our hair and putting make up on, while waiting at the bus stop, a car finally pulled up, and the window winded down.

"C'mon! You're gonna be late for school!" Liam called out from the drivers seat.

We quickly hopped in. Luckily this is a van, or we'd be squished.

"Woke up late, I take it?" Niall kissed me on the cheek, making me blush.

"Yep. Sorry if we woke you up. We weren't expecting all of you..." I looked around to see them all tired-looking.

"Don't worry. You didn't even wake up Zayn.." I looked at the passenger seat , and sure enough, Zayn was fast asleep.

"Wait.. does that mean that you carried Zayn into the car? Wouldn't he be in his pajamas?" I looked at the fully dressed Zayn.

"....Let's not ever talk about that situation again, alright boys?" Harry spoke up.

The boys nodded in agreement, besides Zayn.
My eyes widened. Oh..

"Well... Aw.. He's so adorable.." I leaned forward and took a selfie of me and him with my iPhone.

"Am I adorable..?" Niall looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course you are!" I snapped a photo of him as well.

"Yus!" He fist pumped in the air.

"Still adorable..." I shook my head and looked at the back seats, where Kat was sitting on Harry's lap, and Louis next to him, since there were only two seats in the back-back seats, but Kat and Harry looked quite comfortable where they were.

There was a seat between me and Niall, in the middle of the car, but Kat said she didn't want to get in between us. Literally...

"The concert last night was wicked!" Kat exclaimed.

"I'll say! Did Cynthia like it?" Louis smiled as he mentioned her.

"Louis has a cr-ush..." Kat sang, trying to taunt him .

"Pffft... I do not!" He said, doing a little hand gesture.

"We all know you like her. You just haven't admitted it to us yet.." I smirked, crossing my arms in the process.

"No.. I have nothing to admit to." He crossed his arms like I did.

"C'mon. Ask her out, already!" Kat said excitedly.

"Well... No! Someone else might like her! Like, I don't know.. Liam does! Liam likes Cynthia!" He pointed to the driving Liam.

"Uh, don't look at me, I already have Danielle!" Liam kept his eyes on the road.

"Well, then look at Zayn! He likes Cynthia!" Louis pointed to Zayn this time.

"Don't look at me... She's great, but I'm not crushing on her like Louis is.." Zayn sleepily said, and put his hood over his head.

"Zayn! Don't betray me like that!" Louis poured and slumped back in his seat.

"We're here!" Liam pulled into the school, and parked the car.

"I'm glad you guys have tinted windows, or you'd all be screwed."

"Liam made the wise choice." Niall said and kissed me on the cheek.

"Oh, and remember to keep avoiding Jessica, exactly like you've been doing for the past month, okay?" He looked me in the eyes.

"Yes, yes, mum.." I rolled my eyes.

"I just don't want her to hurt you again, like last time." He looked down.

"I promise I'll be fine. I've got Kat to beat her up." I laughed.

"Exactly." Kat declared it herself, and gave a thumbs up.

"Are you serious? You'd beat her up?" Liam asked in a daddy-mummy way.

"I'm as serious as a heart-attack... Wait.. Sorry, I forgot that the paramedic had a heart-attack here..." She trailed off.

"It's fine. The bloke lived. He personally thanked us, remember?" Harry looked around to the others.

"Yeah. He was so happy. He told me his 9 year old son would have grown up with out him, if you 5 weren't there." I finished saying.

"What a great guy, from what it sounds like. I didn't get to meet
him- hey, what's the time?" She looked around the school, only seeing a few people scattered on the grounds.

"Uh... 8:50am.." Zayn spoke up as he checked his watch.

"Oh no! Classes start at 8:40! We're late.." I sighed.

"Bye guys! Cya later!" Kat ran off, and into one of the buildings.

"Well, I guess I'll see you after school too. Bye, boys." I gave them a quick wave.

"Bye Hazza!" Louis said.

"Hey! That's my nickname!" I heard from Harry as I shut the car door.

I started walking away from the van. Yes, I'm walking, not running. I don't see the point in doing so. Since its my last year, I don't really care about biology which is my first class today. Biology is useless to me. When am I ever going to use it in life? I mean seriously, right now I want to become a singer, or a... I don't know. Probably just singer-

I bumped into someone, and we both fell to the ground. Like always, I'm so stupid and clumsy.

"Sorry!" I apologized and put a hand out to help the person up.

"Just the person I've been looking for..." She said slyly.

She looked up my full body length. Our eyes met. I tried to avoid, but her eyes are so piercing, I just can't look away.

"Jessica.." I tugged my hand away from her.

"Hmmf." She whined and stood up.

"I don't want to pick a fight, so I suggest you get to class like the other students.." I confidently said to her.

"I don't want to fight either. I just want to talk." Her hands laid on her hips.

"Jessica Johnson wants to talk without a fight? That's a first.." I said in a whiney, girly, gossipy tone, resting my arms crossing each other.

"I just want the truth. Why did you lie?" She asked, pulling photos from her bag.

"What? I have no idea what you're talking about.." I said confusingly.

"These. My mum did a story on this." She shoved the photos in front of my face.

I snatched them out of her hand, since holding them in my face is not gonna work.

I looked down at the pictures in my hand.

Me and Niall looking angry at each other;
Me and Niall hugging;
Me and Niall talking and laughing;
Me and Niall kissing...

"Your mum..?" I need to think of something fast if I'm going to live this through.

"Judy Johnson, the news reporter. She's my mum. I don't see why you're lying about the photos. Is it some poor way of getting attention? The photos are obviously photoshopped, you idiot. Did you get some nerd in the school to do it? Because its a pretty shit job, you frikken liar. And you really think a hot guy from a famous boyband is really going to like YOU? Ha, you can't even get one at this shitty school, and some are even uglier than you." She looked completely disgusted by me.

If she says some guys at this school are uglier than me, then wouldn't that be a compliment for me?

"You're right. I lied. They're not real." I flat out lied, and out my hands up to show defeat.

"What? You're not even going to try and say they're real? This is too easy. You're pathetic." She squinted at me.

I only lied, so I wouldn't be mobbed by Directioners..

"Well, yeah. The photos are fake. Plain and simple. I don't know Niall Horan, and I never will." I shrugged.

And as if on queue, "Hey, Hazel! Babe, you forgot you jacket!" I heard an Irish accent from behind me.

I turned to see Niall running up to me, sure enough, holding my jacket.

Great timing Nialler, great timing...

He got up to me, and kissed me on the lips for an instant, and handed over my jacket.

"Sorry Hazel, this might make you more late for class, but me and the lads saw your coat in the van, so we knew you must have left it there from just before, when we gave you a ride. I just thought it would be nice to give it back, since its going to get a bit chilly later.." He handed the jacket over.

"O...M...G..." I heard from behind me. Niall looked over my shoulder. I turned to see Jessica wide-eyed.

"Oh dear..." I said aloud


Niall's POV.

"Bye Hazza." Louis said.
Which Harry obviously heard because he moaned about it being his nickname.
I watched her walk away, she's so beautiful.

Liam started the engine when I realized that I was still holding her jacket, and without realizing, I had already jumped out of the car and started walking towards her.

I heard Liam say something along the lines of "What?.. Niall where are you go-" but I ignored what he was saying.

I saw her talking to someone, but I didn't focus on who it was. I probably wouldn't know them anyway. I just wanted to talk to her again.

I was close to her now.

"Hey, Hazel! Babe, You forgot your jacket." She turned around and I kissed her.

I explained to her that we saw it in the van. "I just thought it would be nice to give it back, since its going to get a bit chilly later.." I continued.

"O...M...G..." I looked over Hazel's shoulder to see.... Jessica?! She was wide-eyed.

"Oh dear..." Hazel said what I was thinking.

Jessica screamed my name at the top of he lungs, so everyone in the school could hear.

Shouldn't she be in class anyway?

I saw everyone look out of the classrooms directly at Jessica, then to me and Hazel.

Me and Hazel looked at each other.

"Run?" I said as if it where a question. Which it wasn't. It's our only option.

A stampede of people flooded out of the front doors and headed towards us.

We ran off as fast as we could. We ran towards the van. Hazel's fingers were entwined with mine.

I pulled open the door and we both jumped in.

"Liam go. Fast." I yelled at him and he drove.

"Crikey, Niall.. What the hell? You left for two minutes and this is what happens.." Louis lectured...
..Which was strange because usually it would be Liam. Cynthia must've rubbed off on him, but Liam just drove.


Hazel's POV.

Liam drove off.

"What the hell Niall?" I asked.

"What? I was being a gentleman, and giving a lady her jacket, so she would be warm.." He smirked.

"Why are you smirking at me? Do you find this funny?"

"Well, kinda. Don't you?" He asked me.

"Does it look like a find it funny? No. I had nearly convinced Jessica that I didn't know you. Seriously, just as I said: 'The photos are fake. Plain and simple. I don't know Niall Horan, and I never will'. You just had to waltz right on in there, and kiss me... Now my cover's blown. I can't even live normally anymore..." I sighed and leaned my head in the window, and looked out, seeing the busy streets if London.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it would affect you so much... It's not funny. I want to be like you; live normally, without paparazzi in your face. But now I've just taken that away from you. I'm such an idiot." He looked outside his window.

"No you're not, and well, Niall, If it makes you feel better, paparazzi in my face and being known by stalkery fans, is not going to change anything between us, okay? I just got a little frustrated before. I'm sorry." I explained.

"Ahem! We can see that. Ahem!" Louis pretended to clear his throat.

I sighed, "Well, now the whole school knows. And soon the whole world will."

"It'll be okay. Fans won't hate you." Harry tried to cheer me up.

"Yeah, like fans didn't hate Taylor Swift after you dated her." Louis snickered.

"Hey, this is about Hazel and Niall. Don't bring me into this discussion." Harry scolded, and Louis raised his arms In defense.

"Guys we have to be smart about this." Liam slowed the van down a little, now that we lost the crowd of running fans.

He continued, "Hazel wants to live as normally as possible and who could blame her? Guys this is a lot, and were still getting used to it. We can't just expect her to magically handle all of this!"

"Thank you, god." I spoke.

"Actually, his name is Liam." Louis was trying to be funny.

I gave him a 'this is serious so don't be an idiot.' Look which seemed to work because he started to behave.

We got back to my place. It seems to be the place we always end up. No one needs to say where we need to go... We just kind of know.

We ran into the house before anyone noticed us, and we locked the door.

Cynthia ran downstairs with the home landline in her hand. She looked very serious.

"That was Kat," She explained, "you left her at school to put up with your mess? How could you do that to her after she stood up for you last night at the concert?"

She sounded very pissed with me. I can only imagine what mum will say.

She walked past us and turned on the t.v to the news channel.

Kat was all over it. I feel so bad.

We watched more. "Kat, can you confirm that your sister, Hazel Starr, Is dating Niall Horan?" The news reporter asked.

"No comment." she replied. There are dozens of reporters following her and shoving cameras and recorders in her face.

Many other questions were thrown at her but she ignored them. They continued following her until she slipped into the school bathrooms to hide.

"We have to go get her, this is all my fault." I said.

"If it's anyone's fault, it's mine." Niall spoke up. he hasn't said anything in awhile, which is different.

"You can't go out there." Liam said concerned an pointing to the door and looking at me.

"But I have to." I said back.

"No Hazel, he's right. You can't go out there, they'll recognize you." Cynthia said. "They don't know me, I'll go get her." She picked up her car keys.

"I'll go too." Louis said

"Louis, you're staying right where you are. You're not going anyw- Louis! Do you hear me? Come back!" Liam trailed off when Louis completely ignored him and went off with Cynthia.

"Where's Zayn and Harry?" Niall asked.

We all looked around.
What? Where are they?

"What?" I then said aloud.

"Zayn... Harry?!" We started yelling through out the house.

We split up. Niall looked downstairs, and upstairs, and Liam looked outside.

We met back up in the living room. Nothing. They're nowhere in the house.

We heard a knock on the door. I went to open it.

"Don't open it.. It could be crazy fans." Niall said

I looked at the door, then started to turn away.

"It's Zayn and Harry!" I heard Zayn shout over the screams of fans.

I quickly opened it to see Zayn, bloodied and bruised with scratches, and Harry helping him into the house and onto the sofa, as I slammed the door, to keep the people out.


Harry's POV

"Zayn!" Liam and Niall ran over to him.

"We were looking for you everywhere. Harry, what happened?" Hazel said. She sounded concerned.

"Zayn, being sleep, didn't realize that we were already in the house. So I went out there to wake him up. By the time I locked the van, there were hundreds of fans outside the house. A fan saw us, so we tried to run to the house, Zayn must have tripped because he wasn't behind me by the time I got to the front door. but I had to go back. I saw Zayn lying on the ground. I looked up and saw Cynthia and Louis. I called out to them but they couldn't hear me, and they hurried into Cynthia's car, so I went back to Zayn." I kept explaining.

God I wish Paul were here.

"Girls were stepping all over him, they didn't even notice that he was there. It was the scariest thing. I thought that he might be dead. I yelled his name but I don't think he heard. I reached him and pulled him up, and pushed past the fans, and helped him to the door."

"Don't ever do that to me again, mate." I said to Zayn.

"Are you okay?" Everyone asked in someway or another.

Hazel went into the kitchen and came back with and ice pack and first aid kit.


Louis' POV

"Louis, you're staying right where you are! Your not going anyw- Louis! Do you hear me? Come back!" Liam 'daddied' me but I ignored him and went out the door behind Cynthia.

"Woah there's a lot of people!" Cynthia exclaimed.

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded and we ran. I quickly glanced over at a group of people.. Something was happening, there was a lot of shouting? Something about Zayn maybe? It's probably a fan wanting to marry him or something.

I jumped in the passenger seat of Cynthia's car, just as fans recognized me.

"Phew. Lets go." I said to her smiling.

She started her car and we headed toward the high school.

When we got there, there weren't many people. I guess they're mostly at Hazel's place now.

"What bathroom is she in?" I asked

"I have no idea... Lets find out." She said triumphantly.

I put my gasses on and my hoodie up. And to top it off, I put a fake moustache on. Cynthia laughed, which I thought was cute.

We walked inside. It wasn't too hard to tell which bathroom she was in because there were loads of reporters outside.

Cynthia walked straight into the bathrooms, but no one seemed to care who she was. I followed her, luckily no one noticed me. That would have been bad.

"Kat?" I was the first to speak.

Kat walked out of one of the cubicles, tears running down her cheeks and her face was red and puffy.

Cynthia pulled her into a tight hug. She continued to sob into Cynthia's shoulder.

"I hate her. Look what she did. It's not fair." Kat muffled.

She looked up at me, puzzled, "Uhm, Louis, you're in the girls room."

"Oh, right." I pointed to the door, turned around and left.
I hid behind a wall, near the bathrooms, but out of the reporters way.

About ten minutes later, Cynthia and Kat walked out of the bathroom. Kat had Cynthia's jacket over her head.

I thought they were gonna walk straight past me, but Cynthia pulled me by my sleeve behind them. And of course the reporters were following.

We got into the car we locked the doors. Kat was in the back, Cynthia was driving and I was again, in the passenger seat.

I immediately took of my glasses, mustache and I pulled down my hood. Which I decided last second, that wasn't a good idea.

The reporters went crazy when they saw my face.
"Whoops," I said, "my bad."
Cynthia took off.

"Sorry guys, I wasn't thinking." I repeated my mistake.

"It's okay, Louis, you're not the one I'm mad at." Kat said angrily.

We got two minutes away from the house when Cynthia told me to put my disguise back on.

Kat was first in the house, and before I got in the door, she was already bitting Hazel's head off.

"How could you do this to me Hazel? You're my big sister, you're supposed to watch over me. Instead you made a huge drama at school and left me there to take the fall for your mistake!" Kat yelled at Hazel.
"I've been there for you, for everything, and I've been super supportive of you and Niall. I even helped you to get Harry to hate you!" I think she let that last part slip by accident.

I looked at Hazel, her eyes grew wider when she heard that last part.

"You what? You tried to get me to hate you? What is wrong with you?" Harry butted in and raised his voice at Hazel.

"Back off, Harry. You can't speak to her like that." Now Niall is yelling at Harry.

"Harry, I'm sorry." Hazel tried to apologize.

Now there was a huge argument going off between Hazel and Kat, and Niall and Harry. I just stood there, dumbfounded with Cynthia.

"Stop it, all of you!" Liam yelled louder than everyone.

"This is insane. Niall, Harry and Hazel, you know that our friend has been hurt. Can we try to get along for the rest of the night while we help Zayn." Liam continued.

"Wait what happened to Zayn?" I managed to squeeze the question in before they started yelling again.

"He's upstairs, he's been trampled by some fans." Harry said silently.

I ran upstairs.


Hazel's POV.

"I even helped you to get Harry to hate you!" Kat yelled to me.

I looked up at her. Oh. My. God. What has she done? Harry will never forgive me now. We were just starting to get to normal. He was okay with me and Niall.

"You what? You tried to get me to hate you? What is wrong with you?" Harry raised his voice. He sounded angry but you could tell through his voice that he was also upset.

Niall started yelling at Harry. I tried to apologize to Harry but he ignored me.

Then Liam started lecturing all of us. All I heard was something about helping Zayn.

"Wait what happened to Zayn?" Louis asked.

"He's upstairs, he's been trampled by some fans." Harry said silently.

Louis ran upstairs.

Cynthia and Kat ran up to check on Zayn, and Liam followed.

Harry walked outside to cool off. Niall sat down on the couch beside me. I buried my head in my hands. I feel so ashamed.

"Hazel? Are you okay?" Niall asked. But I didn't feel like talking. He just pulled me into a hug and I started to cry.

"Everyone hates me now." I sobbed.

"Don't say that. I don't hate you, and neither does Harry. If he did, he wouldn't care so much. And Kat's just a little upset, that's all."

His words made me feel better, "I better go talk to Harry." I said to Niall and he nodded.

I walked outside to where Harry was sitting on a swing. I sat on the swing beside him.

"Hey," I whispered.

"I don't want to talk to you right now." He mumbled.


"Was what Kat said, true?" He asked.

I sighed, "Well, I'm not going to lie to you. What she said was true, but I didn't want her to get angry with me, that's why I did it."

"And I guess it worked..." He mumbled again.

"You hate me?" Tears pricked my eyes again.

He stayed silent, looking at the ground, avoiding my eyes.

"Okay. So you and Kat hate me now. And probably Cynthia, because I don't know how she feels about this." I took a deep breath out, and looked up, forcing the tears away.

I really feel sad, knowing people hate me. It's humane to feel these things, especially when your friends hate you.

"I-I don't hate you. I'm just upset that you wanted me to. Why did you?" He finally looked up.

"I, well... Kat wanted me to date Niall, and she thought you'd get in the way, because you liked me. And she shouldn't take all the blame, because I thought that as well. So don't be angry at her... Just me." I sighed.

"I'm not mad at her. I just... I'm going to go check on her." He got up and started to leave me alone on the swings.

Yeah. He hates me.

"I said, I don't hate you. How many times do I have to tell you that?" He turned to face me.

Damn. I spoke aloud again.
Okay, he went from upset, to really angry. Mood swings, much.

"Well, you pretty much act like it, so it's hard not to believe it."

"Well, I don't hate you. Practically the opposite, actually."

Opposite? He better not be talking about liking me, because we already talked about that.

"You know... People say 'actually' a lot. But it actually doesn't mean anything, really..." I tried to break the ice between us.

"Oh my god, you don't get it, do you?!" He shouted.

"Hey, I told you not to shout at my girl!" Niall strided up to me and Harry.

"Niall, it's fine." I tried to say.

"Back off! This isn't about you!" Harry shoved Niall.

Niall looked surprised at first, but then shoved him back. "You wanna go?"

"If it means that you'll leave, then yeah!" Harry attempted to throw a punch, but Niall caught his wrist, and pushed him back.

Oh my gosh."What the hell, guys?!

Harry quickly got back up, and grabbed Niall's shoulders, then kneed him in the gut.

"Ah!" He keeled over in pain.

"Harry, stop!" I screamed, but it seemed that my words rolled right off him, like water on a birds feathers.
But I guess Niall heard my words, because he quickly recovered, and threw a punch at Harry, making him fall to the ground.

What has this come to?
Niall pounced on Harry, and punched his nose, again.
He was about to throw another punch, when I caught Niall's wrist.

"What are doing?!" Niall shouted, trying to pull his hand out I my grip.

"I could ask you two the same thing! You're best friends, you shouldn't be fighting. Plus, we have Zayn in there, already hurt enough as it is! We don't need another two!" I screamed at them.

I felt Niall's hand loosen up a bit.
At least he listens, because Harry obviously doesn't.

"Y-you're right.." Niall looked disgusted with himself, and then looked to Harry, with forming-bruises on his face, and got off of him.

"Good, now lets just all calm down, and relax." I said steadily.

Harry quickly, and swiftly, stood up. As Niall turned to face him, Harry punched him on the cheek, making Niall fly back, and crash into me. We both fell to the ground.

"Ouch!" I said, stunned as I smashed onto the ground.
Wow. That was really surprising.
It hit me like Chris Brown.

"Hazel!" Harry exclaimed, and rushed to my side.

"Are you okay?" Harry looked really worried.

"Ouch," I slowly sat up.

Harry held out his hand, like a gentleman, to help me up.

Like I said, mood swings, cause he's suddenly sorry.

"Get away from me," I tried to stand up, but lost my balance, so Harry caught me.

I ignored his politeness, and walked over to Niall, who was just starting to sit up.

"Are you okay?" I slumped down next to him.

"Well, my nose feels like its been hit with a brick, but I'll live. I'm sorry for hurting you. That really was an accident." He rubbed his neck, looking at the perfect cut grass around us.

"That was not an accident." I squinted my eyes at Harry, indicating its his fault.

"H-Hazel, your nose is bleeding.." Niall cupped my cheek with his hand, while inspecting my nose... Exactly how Harry did the other day, after I fell down the stairs... With Niall.

"Great. Why do I always end up with a bloody nose?" I sighed.

Authors Note:

So... I got three votes, so It's quite long, isn't it? Heh.. Sorry 'bout that... Just got a little carried away.

Oh yeah, my sister, Cynthia, helped write this chapter. She's like, my
co-writer, when I'm too busy, tired, or just plain lazy to write.

So.. I dedicate this chapter to her :)
...Even though she wrote most of this chapter... Lol, anyways...

Please vote, comment, share, and keep reading!!! .... Only if you want, though...

So... Bye! XD

I'm tired... It's midnight....
Signing off now!

~Hamashma ✌

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