Chapter 27: Cat Fight.

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He told us that it started from a torch on the furniture.

"Damn. I wanted to play in the couch fort in the morning..." Louis muttered to himself.

But the only thing the rest of us could think was: Oh god...

Which one of us was it?


Hazel's POV.


"Huh!" I suddenly jolted up from my sleep.

What's so loud?

*More Sirens*

Sirens? What?

I got up and watched fire engines zoom past.

"Huh..." I said aloud.

I wonder what's happening...

Eh, I'm going back to bed.

It's 1:30am...


Hazel's POV.

Beep beep beep beep beep!

Ugh. 6:00am, as usual.

I pressed the 'alarm off' button and got up.

I checked my phone.

What? I have friends now. I may as well...

6 messages received..


I opened them.

From: Niall :}

'Ah! My house caught fire... :/'

From: Niall :}

'Not kidding, btw. If you heard sirens early this morn, it was coz of us... :('

From: Lou is da sexiest man alive XD

'I want to play in the couch fort... But it burned... And now I can't :'('

From: Liam to the Payne :D

'Our living room kinda caught fire, just saying. Not good, but Niall probably told you, I'm just making sure :)'

From: Harry <3

Hello. My living room caught fire...

R we all good? At the hospital, we seemed better..?'

From: DJ Malik :*

'Yo yoh, I'm tried. Staying up all night with a burnt house is tiring...'

What? Their house caught fire? How? And those were the sirens I heard!


I'll have to call after school.

Right now I'm just gonna stick with texting in the morning.

I walked out to have a shower.

An hour later I got dressed, and walked out of my room.

"Hazel! Did you hear that their house caught fire?!" Kat screamed as she walked past me.

"Well, yeah. Wait.. H-how do you know?" I asked, a little worried about how she knows that.

"They told me..." She said, and looked at the ground.

"How did they tell you? Unless..." I squinted at her.

"Okay! I stole Harry's number from your phone, okay!? I admit it!" She exclaimed.

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