Chapter 48: Does He Know

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Chapter 48:

Hazel's POV.

"Kat, what happened last night?" I asked her as she logged onto her laptop.

"What do you mean?"

"Last night, when we got home. what happened?" my fingers lingered on my temple.

My head hurts so much. I guess this is a hangover.

"Well, we got home." she simply said.

"Who? More detail is needed, Kat."

"Me, you, Cynthia, Louis and Niall." she shrugged.

"And then..?"

"And then Cynthia and Louis went to bed. I wonder what went on with them last night... Oh well. Just some relationship business, I guess." she was typing up on her Twitter, I think. "Anyway, then you and I put Niall in the couch, since he was to intoxicated to do it himself. Then I made sure your drunk-self got to bed, and then I went to mine." She laughed at some tweets. "Where is Niall by the way? I didn't see him on the couch as I passed it."

"I woke up to him in my bed!" I shouted.

She slowly looked up at me, whispering the word "Oh..." slowly. "Why was he there?"

"I don't know. I woke up, and poof, he was sleeping right next to me. In only his boxes, might I add."

"Did you guys..?" she looked grossed-out.

"I don't know! I was topless as well!" I bent down to her, my hands on her shoulders, "I'm scared! I have no idea what happened." I shook my head.

"Does he know?" She asked.

"Neither of us can remember."

"Well, I didn't hear anything, if you're wondering... Where is Niall now? We're going to have a little conversation with him." She declared.


"Where is he now?" she asked, completely ignoring my question.

"The shower."

"Okay, we'll just have to wait." she said.


"Okay. Sit down. We need to talk." Kat told me and Niall. He looked as clueless as me, as to what was happening, when we both sat on one couch.

He looked at me and whispered, "Did you tell her?" making sure she couldn't hear.

But she interrupted and said, "I guess you are wondering why I gathered both of you on this fine morning." It sounded like she was trying at being a priest.

We both nodded and looked at each other.

"It's about..." She gave a long pause before saying, "Last night."

Me and Niall went wide-eyed.

I really didn't think she'd bring up the subject with him.

She clapped her hands together, keeping them there, as if she were praying, and walked around giving us the tension.

"Niall, I understand you woke up in Hazel's bed."

"How did you..?" he suddenly turned to me. "You told her."

"I had to, if I didn't, what would we-"

"Shh! Let the master do her job. I'm here to help you both remember." She got out a pen and notepad, and sat in the couch opposite us. Geez, it's like we're in counciling...

"Niall. What do you remember about last night. Just think about it for a moment." she waited patiently.

"Uh, I remember trying to sleep on the couch..."

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