Chapter 35: The Date.

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Kat's POV.

What? Zayn's hurt?

Louis ran up the stairs to find one of his best mates.

Me and Cynthia ran up straight after.

This day had turned out so horribly...

What has Zayn done to deserve getting trampled?

He was just tired...

We bursted into my room, finding Zayn lying on my bed, holding an ice pack to his head.

"Mate, are you alright?" Louis asked and sat down next to him.

"I'm fine. No biggie.." Zayn tried to stand up, but got a shot of pain through his ribs.

"Or not..." He sat back down.

"Hey, Zayn.." I said.

"Hey- Wait, what happened, Kat? Were you crying?" He asked politely.

"Uh... Well, everyone at my school found out that me and Hazel were friends with you guys, then she kind of left me at school, with heaps of paparazzi... And they were all in my face and shouting my name... How the hell do you handle all of that, Zayn?" I asked and sat on the chair by my desk.

"Well, it gets easier... Unless you're being trampled on..." He chuckled.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked Zayn.

"Nah, I'm fine, thanks." He replied.

"Okay well if you need anything, I'll be downstairs. Louis can keep you company up here." I smiled to him, then Cynthia an i went back downstairs.

Hazel came inside from the back door, she had blood dripping down her nose, Niall and Harry were helping her inside, but the boys were giving each other dirty looks.

I want to go help her, but Im not ready to forgive her yet. I simply asked what happened.

Harry and Niall started yelling at each other. I can tell that was the wrong question to ask.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled when I couldn't stand their bickering anymore.

"I am very frustrated at the moment, and you two are making it worse. Besides I didn't ask either of you what happened, I asked Hazel!" I took a deep breath in. I think I'm way too stressed.

"Sorry Kat." They both said.

"So Hazel, what happened?" I put on a kind smile and listened.

*minutes later*

"WHAT? You two can not be fighting, Get your bloody act together. You're best friends, you have been for three years! You can't let a girl get between you guys. You can't let anyone break you special bond as best friends and brothers! If you end up hating each other, and the band splits up, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN THEN? HUH? Because you will separate and never talk to each other again, Hazel will have moved on with her life, and one day you will realize that you made the biggest mistake of your lives and it will be too late to turn back!" I lectured them. It's not alright. I can't let this happen. I WON'T let this happen.

Harry and Niall thought about what I said. They looked at each other and hugged. I heard whispers...

"Kat's right.. I'm sorry, we agreed this would never happen. We agreed that a girl wouldn't come between our frendship." Harry silently whispered into Niall's ear.

"Sorry mate." Niall said

"So.. Are we all friends again?" I asked.

"I guess so.." Everyone nodded.

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