Chapter One

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I walked to the couch and flopped down face first onto the cushions. Me and my lazy ass self. That's when my phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket and turned my head slightly so one of my eyes can see the screen. It was Abby. I lifted my whole body up and started texting

Abby: Hey Julie waz up?

Julianne: nothing much, just got home. You?

Abby: I'm just reading fan-fictions about Edward Elric. :3 But you are not gonna believe what I found in my basement!

Julianne: it's not another giant spider is it? :\

Abby: No! And make sure Al and Lizzy come too.

Julianne: okay see you in a few Mrs. Elric

Abby: :3

I put my phone back in my pocket and left a note for my parents saying I'm going to a friends house.

~Time skip~

After walking about two miles to get Lizzy and Al. We were finally at Abby's house.
"Okay, what's this about again?" Al said.
"If it has to do with another spider I'll let one of you kill it" Lizzy said.
Me and Al looked at her with that-are-you-kidding-me face. I shook it off and we walked up the steps and onto Abby's porch. I knocked on the door and we waited for five seconds before Abby came out and dragged is into the house.
"Guys, I'm so glad you're here. You need to see this." She said
We nodded as Abby led us to her basement. The light was already on so we walked down the stairs.
When we were at the bottom all we saw was a giant sheet covering something huge.
"Sooooooo Abby, what are we supposed to be looking at exactly" I said a little confused.
"This!" Abby said excitedly.
She pulled down the sheet and there was this giant metal ring with wires, computers, buttons, and lights on it.
"Woooooooowww" we said.
"Yeah! I know! That's exactly what I said!" Abby exclaimed
I got a closer look at it and it looked like the machine that doctor octopus made in spiderman. I laughed silently to myself and checked the time on my phone.
"Abby! This is awesome but my parents are going to kill me if I don't go home." I said a little scared
"Same here" Lizzy said
"Me too" Al also said
We started to leave when Abby said.
"Oh don't worry, I called all of your parents telling them you're having a sleepover with me."
We sighed in relief and hugged Abby tightly thanking her over and over again.

~Time skip~

We set ourselves up in the living room with popcorn, soda, and candy. But we haven't changed out of our original clothes, I guess we're all lazy. We watched soul eater, FMA (full metal alchemist), and black butler. That's when I put on a new anime called The Seven Deadly Sins. I've already seen the entire season and I'm in love with Meliodas, he's just so cute, and funny, Ahhhhhhh!
"Heyyyy, I know this show but I've only seen like five episodes of it." Abby said.
"I haven't seen it"
"Neither have I" Al and Lizzy said.
Me and Abby smirked at each other.
"Well it's one anime that you'll never forget. Lets get started!!!!"

How was it? Was it good? Was it great? Please tell me! I'm so excited about making this book!! I can't wait to show you guys all the ideas I have in store for you and I thank abigailelric lizzy_here231 caine234 for some of the ideas. Love you guys!!!!

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