Chapter Twenty

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I suggest you listen to the song while reading the chapter. I think it fits perfectly.

~Abby's POV~

"this is total bull! I should've killed Guila when I had the chance." Al yelled.

"It's okay Al, we'll get her next time."

"I don't want a next time! Look at what she did to all of us and Jericho too! I don't want any of us getting hurt again!"

"Al please! At least Meliodas took them down!"

"Yeah! After Ivette, you, and me almost died!........this is just horrible........ I want to go back home."

I rubbed her back trying to comfort her. It's true, we did almost die. The Holy knights are strong, very strong. They almost killed Ivette and Julianne. It was scary, I thought that being here would be awesome but now I have other thoughts. I looked over my shoulder and saw Lizzy. She was breaking down saying that she should've helped us. But King was comforting her saying it was fine. I looked back down at Al and sighed. I want to go home.

~Julianne's POV~

I feel strange, very strange. It felt like I was laying down on grass. I opened my eyes and saw the sky. A gentle breeze made the grass sway back and forth.

"Whe-where am I?"

I sat up and looked around. I was laying in a field of sorts. But I was surrounded by a bunch of lights. Each of them glowed a golden or white color. I shook my head and looked down at myself. I was wearing a white dress that went down to my knees. My hair was down, flowing down my back, and I wore no shoes.

"H-how did I get here? I thought I was with Ivette...."

"Me and Ivette will protect you."

"Who's there?!"

I turned around but found nothing. The only thing that was there was a light that was glowing furiously. I walked to it and grabbed the light. I looked into it and saw Ivette and Tank.

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now