Chapter Eighteen

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"Here Diane, you can wear my uniform."

"But Julie, what are you going to wear?"

"I'll just wear my armor."

My clothes slowly transformed from the tavern uniform to my armor.

My clothes slowly transformed from the tavern uniform to my armor

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My uniform plopped down onto my hands and I handed it to Diane. She took it and closed the door to her room. I sighed as I walked down the stairs and into the tavern.

"Is Diane okay?!" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah, she's fine. I gave her my uniform to wear."

"Oh, I'm glad."

I nodded and sat down at a table with my friends.

"So, what do we do now?" Lizzy asked.

"I think we should go to town and tell Meliodas what happened." Abby said.

"Yeah, as much as I hate the pervert he should still know." Al added.

"But Elizabeth can't go out exposed. Someone might recognize her." I stated.

"You're right. One of us should stay." Ivette continued.

"I'll stay, I promise I'll keep Elizabeth safe." Lizzy volunteered.

We all took some glances at each other before nodding. Diane then walked down into the tavern with my uniform on. She smiled at us before sitting down. We told her the plan and she agreed to go trusting Lizzy to take care of Elizabeth.
After some small goodbyes we left the tavern and headed to the town.

~Time Skip~

"Damn, this place is full of shirtless guys." Al mumbled.

"Watch out!" Abby yelled.

She then tackled Al to the ground preventing either of them from getting crushed by something. When the dirt and dust cleared, we saw a bruised and beaten man twitching on the ground.

"He's probably from the tournament." Ivette stated.

"Yeah, I wonder what the prize is?" Diane said.

"Let's find out!" I exclaimed.

After picking Al and Abby off the ground, we ran to the tournament that was filled with men and women (mostly men) watching people battle.

"This is pretty damn cool, what do you think Dia- Diane?!" Al yelled.

We turned and found Diane missing.

"Wha- she was right here just a second ago!" Abby exclaimed.

"Wait, wait, let's back it up for a second. We're in an anime, she's probably doing something that happens in the show." I said.

"Even when we messed up the whole fucking plot." Al asked.

"Yeah, she's probably battling as Matrona or something."

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