Chapter Fifteen

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"Are you kidding me!"

Ban was sleeping in OUR room. He was too drunk to pick a different place to sleep, really, REALLY!?

"Abby can you help me with this?"

"Sure, I just want to sleep."

I grabbed Bans legs and Abby grabbed his arms. We picked him up and carried him out of the room and down the stairs. Once we made it, we set Ban on a chair and his head rested on a table.

"Julianne, why the hell did you put Ban here to sleep?"

I turned and Ivette was staring at me with her famous WTF face.
Oh, I forgot. Ivette joined us since she has no where else to go, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't want me to die like Tank did either.

"We put him here because we found him sleeping in our room, and he's too drunk to notice that we moved him."

"Yeah, I want to sleep for once, it was a long fucking day." Abby said.

"Ya know, one of you could just sleep in my room" Meliodas suggested.

"I vote that Julianne should!" Lizzy exclaimed.


"Hey, you already did once. So what's the difference?"


I slammed my head up against the wall. Lord please help me!

"I hate to say it but I agree with Lizzy. It's going to be too crowded in the room, and you're the only one that has slept in Meliodas's room. BUT IF HE TRIES ANYTHING I'LL KILL HIM!!" Al yelled

I sighed in frustration. This is so weird.

"I need some rope. Hawk!" Ivette said.

"Ummm sure?" Hawk replied and walked away.

He came back a few moments later and gave the rope to Ivette.

"Thanks, now just for precautions I'll be tying Meliodas up." She said.

"That's a brilliant Idea!" Hawk exclaimed jumping up and down.

"Wait, wait, wait! When did I ever agree to do this?!" I yelled

"All in favor of Julianne sleeping with Meliodas say 'I'" Ivette said

"I!" Everyone said, except for Elizabeth, and Ban.

"You've got to be kidding me.." I groaned.

"Hey, it won't be that bad. You might never know, you might be comfortable with me sleeping next to you." Meliodas said.

"LIKE HELL SHE WILL!" Ivette yelled.

She immediately tied up Meliodas as tight as she could. I face palmed at the sight and groaned in frustration. Abby walked past me and up the stairs, followed by Al, Lizzy, and Elizabeth.

"Goodnight Julianne I hope you sleep well." Elizabeth said before walking up the stairs.

"And don't have too much fun you two." Lizzy said wiggling her eyebrows.

Al grabbed Lizzy by her ear and dragged her up the stairs.

"Oh and Julie, yell if he gets out of the ropes." Abby said.

I sweat dropped.


She smiled and walked up the stairs with everyone else. I sat down at a nearby table and rubbed my head. It was such a long day.

"I'm going to set Ban somewhere else." Ivette said.

She walked over to Ban and once she touched his arm, he grabbed her and used her stomach as a pillow.

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now