Chapter Nine

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"NOPE! UNACCEPTABLE!!!!" Abby yelled and slapped Meliodas across his face.
'Oh shit, Abby's pissed'. Everyone knew Abby gets like this when someone treats her friends like that. But I happen to get treated like this at school too because it's kind of noticeable that I'm BIG on my chest.

"Okay! Don't ever do that to Julianne, Lizzy, Al, Elizabeth or me ever! I will kick your balls if you do, got it!" Abby yelled

Meliodas rubbed his cheek with a blank expression. Maybe Abby knocked some sense into him, maybe.....

"Whatever." Was Meliodas's response.

He walked into the boar hat, probably to get another shirt since the one he's wearing is ripped. Abby took in deep breaths before looking at us with a smile.

"Why don't we go inside, I want to see the room we're sharing." She said

We all nodded and followed her inside the tavern. We reached our room and stepped inside. Now that I'm looking around, this place does look really nice. It had a view of the valleys below, and it was so pretty.

"Hey guys."

We all turned towards the door and saw Meliodas with a new shirt on.

"Can you come downstairs, I need to show you something." He said and walked away.

He acted like nothing happened in between him and Abby. We shrugged our shoulders and walked out of the door.

~Time skip ~

"Don't you think this skirt is too short?" Lizzy asked

"Yeah it exposes most of my skin!" Al exclaimed

"The shirt is kinda tight on my chest" I said.

"I really hate this guy...." Abby mumbled

We were all wearing the boar hat uniform. But it was a little to sexy for my taste. I thought the outfit looked cool in the anime but right now, I look like fucking bait!

"Nice way to put your pervy thoughts into play." Hawk said clearly annoyed

Meliodas walked around us checking us out from all angles. That's when all of our skirts lifted up for a split second. My cheeks started to heat up knowing Meliodas did that.

"Don't worry, I was just doing a size check." He said

"Size check my ass." Al mumbled

I quickly looked over at Abby and it looked like she was about to explode. She slowly walked out of her spot and tried to pounce on Meliodas. But me, Al, and Lizzy stopped her before her body could make any contact with his.

"I'LL KILL HIM!!" Abby yelled

Me and the girls struggled to hold her back, she was PISSED! Her face was bright red and steam was literally coming out of her ears. That's when Lizzy pinched one of the nerves in Abby's arm and she passed out.

"Finally, she looked like she was going to rip his head off." Lizzy said holding Abby's body up.

We all sighed in relief and I went to sit down like Elizabeth but the place tipped over and I was going to fall but Meliodas caught me. Luckily I'm only like three inches taller than him so his head wasn't in my breasts.

"We're at our next stop! Bernia Village!" He said

We walked out of the boar hat and climbed down a ladder to get to ground land. Hawks mom then proceeded to dig herself into the ground so the boar hat was on land.

"Okay, what should we do sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth asked

"Well, since Abby is passed out, I think Lizzy should stay here with her until she wakes up. Julianne, Elizabeth, Al, and Hawk you're coming with me." He said and started walking.

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