Chapter Twenty Four

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I pulled the chains on my wrists more. I can't stay here, if I do James will kill everyone. But, he's still MY brother. Maybe I can change his mind.

That's when I felt a burning sensation on my chest. I fell to my knees in pain as I clutched part of my shirt.
What's going on?!
The pain slowly transitioned to the rest of my body. I lay on the floor in pain. It felt like I was covered with fire. Could this be the transition from my human life to the demon one?

"A young and terrified child. Are you really one if us?"

My eyes shot open, the pain finally disappearing. I looked around only to find darkness. What happened?
That's when I felt boney hands grab my face.

 What happened?That's when I felt boney hands grab my face

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"So alone, so terrified. I could sense your fear all the way from hell."

"W-what are you?" I asked.

"I am you. Well, the demon you to be specific."

"No, h-how could you be me?"

"I am what you are to become. Your true form. Your destiny lies with me."

That's when I shoved the creature off me. This thing couldn't be me. It never has and never will.

"You are not me! I will never become one of you! A being that doesn't care for anyone else! I will never be you!"

I could feel the anger radiating off this creature. I probably pissed it off.

"You could never get rid of me! I am part of you!"

"Heh......then I guess I have to keep you locked away. My soul is the one thing you will not obtain. I won't let you have it."

"I will find a way out..... It might not be today but it will happen someday."

"And I'll be here to put you back in your cage."

" are a wise one. But you are needed elsewhere. Until we meet again.......Abby...."

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now