Chapter Twenty Two

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~Abby's POV~

All of us stayed silent. We were all in shock at the surprising news. We couldn't believe that Julianne AND Ivette weren't human. But, all of us aren't really human anymore either.
I knelt down in front of Julie and pulled her into a hug.

"Hey buddy, please don't cry."

"B-but, I'm just shocked, a-and scared."


"B-because*sniff* I-I'm afraid of what I'm c-capable of doing now. W-what if I hurt one of you?"

"No, that will never happen. All you've been doing is helping everyone! You're magic isn't meant for hurting others! It's meant to help them! Everyone!"

I tightened my arms around her body to pull her into a tighter hug.

"Don't ever say you're going to hurt anyone. Your personality and soul isn't like that in the slightest bit. It never has and it never will be."

I felt Julies body stiffen in my arms as she clutched my shirt tightly.

"Abby's right Julie. You're one of the nicest people in the world. I don't know what life would be like without you." Lizzy said joining in on the hug.

"Yeah Marshmallow. You may need to be looked after a lot but you're still a wonderful person inside and out. Don't ever doubt yourself about that." Al added

Julianne looked at all of us before smiling like this.

When her eyes opened again, one eye was brown and the other was purple

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When her eyes opened again, one eye was brown and the other was purple.

"Thank you so much! All of you!" She exclaimed

We smiled back at her and helped her stand up. She then turned to Meliodas, Elizabeth and King.

"I'm sorry, I've caused so much trouble. My emotions just got to me."

"That's not a problem, everyone has to let their emotions out at some point. I completely understand." Meliodas said.

"Yeah, it's fine Julie." King added.

Elizabeth only nodded. Julianne smiled at them before turning to us again.

"I feel better now. But I think I'll stay up here and think things through." She said.

"Sure that's A-okay buddy. We'll be downstairs."

We waved goodbye to her and walked out of the room. I just hope she'll be okay now.

~Julianne's POV~

I waved to my friends as they exited the room. Once they left and closed the door I collapsed on the bed.

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now