Chapter Four

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~Abby's POV~

Wake up, my dear owl

Why? I'm too tired

You are meant for the night, use your abilities to help you and your friends survive

What abilities? Please! Tell me more!

It is too soon, now wake up and survive.....

I woke up

"Huh? What was that.........voice?" I shook my head trying to clear my mind when I realized I wasn't on the ground sleeping anymore. I looked around and found myself hovering above the ground! What the hell?!

"I want to get down! Let me down!" I yelled
A second after that I fell flat on my back.
I sat up and rubbed my head. Why was I floating while I slept? Was it because of that voice or my "abilities"?
I stood up and looked around. The fire we made earlier went out and everyone is asleep. I sighed in relief knowing my friends are safe. I turned towards the woods and saw

A rabbit? Weird, that rabbit is hidden really well. How can I see it? I thought about it for a moment before realizing it could be food. I ran to it without a second thought, but then it started running away.
"Oh you're not getting away that easily! Hells claw!" I yelled
A ball of light shot out of my hand and to the rabbit. I shielded my face with my arms when the blast hit. After the smoke cleared and I could see again, I saw the rabbit burned like a chicken. I laughed to myself and picked it up
"Well, this is one. Maybe I can find more." I walked away continuing my search for more rabbits.

~Time skip~
Julianne's POV:

Bright light shined on my eyelid's as it woke me up from my slumber. I slowly sat up, stretching, and opening my eyes. Everyone was here still, and they're eating?
"*yawn* h-hey guys, what are you eating?" I asked tiredly.
Lizzy turned around and smiled brightly.
"Abby went hunting super early this morning and she got a ton of rabbits."
"Oh, it was nothing. We have to survive here ya know." Abby said smiling.
I crawled over to a spot next to Lizzy and Abby, grabbed a rabbit, and started eating.

After 15 minutes of eating we were stuffed. But the rabbit was so good! I sat down on a rock but then I felt something in my back pocket. I took the object out and it was MY PHONE!! YES MY CHILD IS WITH ME!! Uh, I mean my phone is with me, yay!

"Guys! I have my phone!"
"But how?!" Al said
I shrugged my shoulders but put it away, I don't want to use up all of my battery. It could be useful, somehow.

"Hey guys, I also found a village nearby. Maybe we can go, and see if boar hat is there. Then we can get Meliodas to help us, if he agrees or if he's even there." Abby explained.

"That's a great idea, but our clothes are kind of out of style." Lizzy said.

We looked down at our clothes and it's still the same thing we wore to school the other day. Except I'm missing a piece of my shirt.

"Just stick to the shadows, we won't get stuck in people if we move fast." I said.
We all nodded at each other and looked at Abby.
"Okay Abby lead the way" Al said.
Abby nodded and started walking north. We followed her like lost puppies looking for their mother.
But I was kind of excited, if Meliodas is at this village then I'll finally meet him! I can't wait!!
If only I had a chance with him.....
Little did they know that all of them will change the story really soon.

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now