Chapter Eight

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"So about earlier, why are you looking for me?" Meliodas asked

I looked up at him since I'm sitting down.
"I already told you, it's to stop the holy knights from doing anymore damage to the kingdom." I said

"Why would you do that? Aren't the holy knights the good guys?" Hawk said.

I shook my head no.
"No, they are preparing to start war. I don't know much but if they keep going on the path they're taking then they'll come here and ruin everything."

I looked at Elizabeth, if only I knew what she was going through. I need to help her no matter what.

"Okay, but that doesn't explain how you knew me, and I'm pretty sure you're not a holy knight since you have that mark on your stomach." He explained

I sighed in frustration, he wouldn't believe me if I told him. If there only was another way to tell him.

"Me and my friends aren't exactly from this time period, or this universe. So I'm thinking that we're the new generation of sins. And I know you because you're kind of popular where I'm from." I said checking Elizabeth again.

"So you're a sin......... What is you're home like?" He asked

I stared at him in shock I thought he wouldn't believe me.
"Y-you believe me?"

"Yeah, your eyes gave it away. You looked so serious about it."

I smiled, he really is nice. I am falling for this guy.
"W-well there are no holy knights, no kings or queens, and no magic."

"That seems kind of boring." He said bluntly.

I was about to say something back but that's when Elizabeth started to stir. She opened her eyes and looked around
"Where am I?" She asked

I stood up and walked next to Meliodas. She looked so lost, I feel really bad for her.

"You're in my tavern, the boar hat" Meliodas said

"Tavern? How did I get here?"

"You just walked in, scared my customers and passed out, right on the floor." He said plainly

"Oh......." Elizabeth said

"....hey are you hungry, I can whip up something for ya?"

Hawk looked at him like he was crazy.
"You can't be serious right?" He asked.

I laughed a little at their silliness. I walked up to Elizabeth and took her hand taking her out of the room.
"Me and the girl are going to be by the bar until you cook her something, okay" I said.
I closed the door and started walking back down the stairs.
"My names Julianne by the way, what's yours?" I asked.
I didn't want to sound like a creep saying I knew who she was, I have to stay cool...........UGH!! WHY WASN'T I LIKE THIS WHEN MELIODAS WAS AROUND!! I'M SO STUPID!!!

"Uh...m-my name is Elizabeth..."

"Wait, Elizabeth. As in princess Elizabeth." I said coolly.

She nodded her head yes.
"Y-yes how did you know Lady Julianne?"

"Your earring, and your hair gave it away. But I won't turn you in, I know what's going on with the holy knights."

Elizabeth smiled and her eyes started to tear up. She pulled me into a hug and squeezed me lightly.

"Thank you, so much Lady Julianne."

I hugged her back slowly but then I let go.
"Come on I want you to meet my friends."

~Time Skip~
After Elizabeth met Abby, Al and Lizzy. Meliodas finally made Elizabeth something to eat. She took a bite but flinched in disgust. The food was horrible but she said it was also delicious at the same time. We were all having a great time and Elizabeth also told her plan to Meliodas and who she was as well. All of this was supposed to happen outside though. Weird. Then what made all of our jaws drop was that Meliodas revealed himself too! What the hell is going on.

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now