Chapter Twenty Five

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"It's the goat sin?! Gowther?!"

"Yes, it is me."

I looked at Gowther as he set me down. He was the one that saved both me and Guila. I'll have to thank him later.
Gowther jumped off the roof we were on and landed in front of Grandmaster Dreyfus.

"Grandmaster Dreyfus. I look forward to defeating you." He said.

I smiled down at him amused at his statement. But my smile quickly went away when Dreyfus plunged his sword into Gowther stomach. But Gowthers hands somehow managed to touch Dreyfus's head. The stood there frozen, like time has stopped.

After a few minutes of them just standing there. I jumped off the building gripping my weapon tightly.

"They've been like that for so long. What did Gowther do?" Howzer asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it was part of his plan." I said.

Right after I said that Dreyfus pulled his sword out of Gowthers stomach and stood upright.

"I'm sorry, but I was the one to wake up. You on the other hand will sleep for all eternity."

Gowthers body fell, his eyes dulling to a dark gold color.

"Gowther! No!"

I stared at Gowthers body shocked. I thought he was able to regenerate or something like that. I clenched my teeth in anger. Dreyfus will pay for doing this.
But, I guess karma bit his ass because he fell to hit knees in pain. Whatever Gowther did to him must've taken a toll on his body.

"He's hurt... Thank you Gowther." I whispered.

But, just as I said that. I saw a flash of light to my left and Gil thunder was helping Dreyfus stand up.

"Helbram, I leave the rest to you." Dreyfus said.

"I'll do my best." Helbram replied while taking off his ripped and tattered cloak.

"Ha. Thanks to Gowther, we only have to deal with lord Helbram." Guila said.

"Do you really think it would be that easy to kill me? Call of inferno!"

Once he said that, a black fog surrounded the streets.

"This....this is the call of death!" Howzer exclaimed.

Blood started to pour out of my mouth as the inside of my body felt like it was crippling away.

"S-stop! What if there are still people around!" I yelled.

I coughed making more blood come out of my mouth. But, I stood my ground. I can't let this continue!
That's when Diane's fist crushed the ground where Helbram was. I used the opportunity to make a barrier around her fist to make sure Helbram stayed under the ground.

"I DON'T THINK SO!! WON'T LET ANYONE DIE!!......Guila..... Howzer.... I want you to take this boy and run far away from here...." Diane said.

"Stop joking around..... Why are you always protecting others?.... You should care about yourself for once..." Howzer struggled to say as tears formed in his eyes.

"We both care more about others than ourselves..... It's who and what we are...." I stated.

I looked over at Howzer hoping to get an understanding response but I never got one.

"You two are really stubborn girls!!" I heard.

All of a sudden, my barrier burst and I was blast back with crystal shaped ice in my shoulder and thigh. I cried out in pain as I landed on Diane's leg.

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now