Chapter Two

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All of us were half asleep and we finished eight episodes of The Seven Deadly Sins. I guess watching anime takes away a lot of energy. I looked at Abby and she was sleeping on Lizzy's shoulder, probably dreaming about Edward Elric. I sighed tiredly and got up off the couch to turn off the light. That's when I heard the back door open and close. It couldn't be Abby's parents because they said they're going to be out all night. I grabbed the closest thing to me and that happened to be a vase and I started walking to the back. I turned the corner and found two men wearing black ski masks and bats in their hands.
I immediately threw a vase at one of their heads and ran back to the living room. Everyone was awake and alert, probably because of the sound of glass breaking. I grabbed everyone and started running to the front door, but one of the men blocked my path.
"Where do you think you're going"
We all turned back around but the other guy was there holding shards of glass, he was the one I hit.
"Now, let's see how long you can go with glass piercing your skin over and over again." He said.
I didn't want my friends getting hurt, but the only route would be
The basement
But if it's for my friends then we're going there. We ran to the basement, closed the door and locked it. I jumped back when the intruders started banging on the door. I quickly ran down the stairs and found everyone panicking.
"Julianne! What happened?!" Lizzy yelled terrified
"Now's not the time! We have to find a way out of here!"
"But how?!?!"
I looked around and my eyes landed on the machine.
"Abby, who do you think made this?
"My brother for sure, he's always down here working on something. He also told me he'll be able to travel to any place he wants once he's finalized it."
"Okay, I'll take that chance."
"What?!" Al yelled
I looked at her but started walking towards a keyboard that's connected to the machine.
"You can't be serious! This thing is a huge risk! It's dangerous!" Lizzy yelled
"What other choice do we have?!" I yelled back.
Everyone went silent.
"Besides, I'm like Addicted to taking risks". I said trying to lighten the mood.
I started typing the first place that came to mind. While I was doing that I heard everyone say something that decided what they were when they entered this new world

Abby: those bastards ruined our night. I Hate them so much

Al: I wish I said something else. A Lie wouldn't have gotten Julianne that mad.

Lizzy: this is going to spread to much Gossip around here now. We're going to be the next big thing.

Why do you think I highlighted those words? Well that's for me to know and for you to find out. ;D

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now