Chapter Twenty Eight

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Read the Authors note at the bottom of this chapter when your done!!
Thank you!!

"! Come on! We need to go and save her!!"

My hand glowed a vibrant dark purple color and I touched the barrier around my feet. I did the same with my friends and summoned my sword.

"We need to go! Now!" I yelled.

"W-wait, Abby! What about Meliodas!?"

I turned around quickly to look at Meliodas's beat up and bloody form. He was struggling to stand as Ban and Hawk walked up to him. That's when I noticed Ivette run our way.

"Guys! Thank god you're okay! Where's Julianne?" She asked.

I clenched my fingers around my sword tightly and looked away. I could feel Ivettes eyes stay on me waiting for an answer.

"Hendrickson took her away!" Meliodas yelled.

"...w-what...who's Hendrickson?! What does he want with my cousin?!"

"There's no time to answer questions! Meliodas! You rest up and me and Ban will go rescue Julianne! Ban let's go!" Hawk yelled.

But Ban stood his ground and stared at Meliodas with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Ban? Oh I know! We have to rescue Diane and King too!'re not planning anything weird are you?" Hawk continued.

"B-Ban? Why aren't you talking? What's up?" Meliodas asked.

".......well..... I really do love you captain!"

As Ban said that he swung his nun chucks around and sliced Meliodas's arm off his body. Ban caught it in his hand and frowned.

"Don't resist, I'll make this as fast as possible!" Ban said.

"Never!" Yelled Meliodas.

Meliodas then punched Ban getting his arm back in the process.

"We don't have time for this crap so stop messing around!" Meliodas yelled once again.

We stared at the two, no, more like glared at the two men for acting like morons.

"We can't wait for these two. We need to-...ah!!"

I fell to my knees in pain while clutching my shirt.


"Abby! What's wrong?!"

I felt someone kneel down next to me and rub my back.
The burning sensation was starting up again. Was it because I was in this weak state or was it because of the negative emotions all of us were feeling moments ago?
It didn't matter. I still need to fight.

"I-I'm fine.... We need to get Julianne back...!"

I tried to stand up but my legs gave out on me and I fell over again. Lizzy caught me and set me down on the ground.

"No, you're not okay. You can't fight like this." She said.

"B-but, Julianne.....she's."

"We know, but you can't fight Hendrickson at the moment. You need to rest." Al stated.

I looked at my friends with pleading eyes but they wouldn't let me move from that spot. The only thing I could do was just sit there and think about what was happening around us. Julianne was taken away again, Ban wants to kill Meliodas, and all of the new generation of holy knights have turned into monsters. I can't sit around and let things continue.

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now