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I think the song fits. I suggest listening to it while reading. 👍👍👍


"Please Al, can you get off me..."

"Oh! Sorry!"

"Man! My head is pounding!"

As Al crawled off my body, I had a feeling that we weren't alone. I looked around the dusty basement we were in and found four police officers and all of our parents.
They came rushing to us with tears and smiles on their faces. It was pretty hectic after that.
The police investigated us. Asked us questions and stuff. Of course we lied. We can't just say.

"Yeah, me and my friends were fighting Abby's demonized brother using our awesome powers and weapons."

Yeah.......that's a nope. We'll be put into an asylum if we said that. So instead, we said that James took us to another country with the machine so we can explore. But while coming back, the portal was very unstable so James tried to kill us so he can go home. But he tripped when he tried to kill Abby and landed on a sharp piece of broken wood. It pierced him in the chest killing him.

And what do you know! The police believe us.
We got off the hook and now we're on our way home to our parents. During that whole time no one even noticed the engagement ring or the necklace. Im surprised actually, I would've thought that my parents would ask questions but they're too happy to notice.

Now that I think about it. It feels weird being away from my friends for this long in a peaceful situation. I feel so alone without Abby, Lizzy, Al, or Ivette by my side.

I sighed thinking about our chaotic adventure we just had. My eyes slowly moved to the ruby necklace in my hand. The ruby was now a dull red color instead of the bright red color it was before. I had a bad feeling that that we used the last of its magic. If that's true...... Then we won't be able to go back....

There's only one way to find out.
~One Week Later~

I sat in my back yard waiting for my friends.
It's been a week since we've come back home. It's been a week since we left the people we love. It has been a week since that battle ended.

I've been waiting to use the ruby necklace again. It's the only way we could go back to The Seven Deadly Sins. But that bad feeling in the pit of my stomach remained. I don't feel any magic energy coming from the necklace at all. That's defiantly a bad sign.


My head shot up and I looked to my right. There stood my friends with bright shining smiles on their faces. I also felt a smile start to form on my lips.

They jogged over to me as I stood up. My hand gripped the necklace I had tightly, I was nervous....very nervous. We were going to test the necklace again today. To see if we can go back and to visit everyone else.

"Are you guys ready?"



"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Okay then, let's get going."

Now, to go back to Meliodas's world we had to say the name of the universe. For this situation, it was The Seven Deadly Sins sooooooo, let's give it a try.
I raised my hand up, the ruby necklace facing the woods. I could feel my arm shake out of nervousness. Something isn't right....

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now