Chapter Twelve

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"Mommy, what is that noise?"

"It's nothing sweetie, daddy's just playing with his video games again."

"Ah! Really! I want to watch!"

"No! No, sweetie. You have to stay up here until I say you can come down, okay."

"Okay mommy."

My mother smiled at me before kissing my forehead. She then left me in her room, all by myself.
I kept hearing what sounded like metal clashing together. My curiosity got the best of me and I left the room. My small figure hopped down the stairs in a playful manner until I reached the bottom.
There I saw blood, lots of blood. I covered my mouth with my hands and fell to my knees.


My mother rushed out of a room and picked me up off the floor.

"Julianne! I thought I told you to stay upstairs!"

She sounded upset but by then I was already in tears. The amount of blood scared me to death. That's when I saw it.
The sword....

"Julianne! Wake up!"

My eyes shot open and I looked around. I wasn't in the arms of my mother, I was laying in a bed with cloth wrapped around my head. To my right, sat Abby. She had a worried expression on her face.

"Are you okay, you were calling out to your mom?" She asked me.

I sat up and smiled softly at her.

"Yeah I'm fine, it was just a distant memory, that's all." I said

Abby smiled at me before scooting her chair closer to the bed.

"Julie, I need to tell you something."

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now