Chapter Seven

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Meliodas smiled at me, a little mischief hidden in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but then some guy barged in saying he saw one of the seven deadly sins.

"I'll talk to you later...."

"Julianne, my name is julianne. But you can call me Julie."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later....Julie." He said and winked at me.
I could feel heat rise to my cheeks as he walked away. No! Snap out of it! Not here!

"Oooooooo, someone's blushing." Abby said smirking.
I covered my face with my hands.

"No I'm not!" I replied quickly.

"Denial says it all, you like him already don't you girl." Al said leaning back in her chair waiting for an answer.
I shook my head but that just lead Lizzy, Abby, and Al to laugh. I rolled my eyes played with a few strands of my hair.

"So, I'm guessing that guy was talking about princess Elizabeth right? The girl in the armor in the first episode." Lizzy said.

"Yeah, she'll come in any moment now, we'll just wait until she does." I explained.
I tapped my finger nail on the wooden table waiting for princess Elizabeth to arrive. What's taking her so damn long?! That's when I felt something nudge my feet. I looked down and it was hawk the pig. I wanted to start fangirling so much right now but that would be weird in front of all these people.

"Excuse me miss, captain of the disposal team here. Do you have any scraps that need to be eaten" he asked

I shook my head.
"No I'm sorry, but you're really cute."

"Yeah, yeah, I get that from most girls." He said and walked away. I giggled softly but immediately stopped when I heard metal clanking. Elizabeth's here. We stared at the door waiting for her to come in. That's when the door creaked open slowly and in came rusted metal.

"The----s-seven----d-deadly--s-sins." She moaned out.

All of the men in the tavern screamed and ran out of the place like little girls. Meliodas jumped over the counter he was at and stood in front of the armor.

"Who are you?" He asked.

Five seconds after that "bang!" Down went Elizabeth. Her helmet flew off revealing her face.

"It's a girl?" hawk said

I got up out of my chair and picked up the now sleeping girl.

"Hey Blondie, do you have a room I can set her down in?" I asked.

"Yeah, but did you just call me Blondie?" He said.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him, and up the stairs. I opened the first door we came to which happened to be the room I was looking for. I set her down on the bed and started taking off her armor. Meliodas walked in and stood there with hawk by his side.

"Well now we know she is a girl." Hawk said.

"Let's make sure" Meliodas suggested.

I put my arms up defending Elizabeth, protecting her innocence.
"Na, ah, ah. You are not doing anything to this girl!" I exclaimed.

"I was just kidding, hahaha, you don't need to get like that," Meliodas said laughing.

What? That's weird, he's not going to do anything. That's not like him at all. Are me and my friends really messing up this story?

We're Where?!? A Seven Deadly Sins Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now