Al x King Arthur [Modern]

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Al's POV:

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. SLAM!!

"Stupid alarm clock..." I mumble and close my eyes again.

"Heyyyyyyy wake up sleeping Beauty!!"

I open my eyes slightly and see my purple eyed boyfriend right in front of my face. His hair was a mess, but it looked cute. He was smiling brightly as he lightly shook me.

"Guess what day it is." He said.

"Sunday...." I reply.

"Nope! It's Valentines Day my love! And I have the whole day planned out!" He exclaimed.

What?! Valentines day!! Shit!! I forgot!!

I slowly raised my head from the pillow and smiled at Arthur. I was trying my best to hide my shock.

"That's great! What are we doing first." I asked.

He chuckled and winked at me.

"You have to get dressed first silly."

I looked at what I was wearing. An extra large white T-shirt, black shorts, and socks.

"Yeah, okay. But you mister have to wait outside!" I exclaimed.

"Oh alright." He said and walked out of the room closing the door.

I immediately put on my glasses and grabbed my phone. I clicked the first person on my contact list not caring who I was calling.

"Hey Al. Happy Valentines Day."

It was Lizzy.

"Heyyyyyyy Lizzy, HELP ME!! I FORGOT IT WAS VALENTINE'S DAY!!" I whisper yelled.

"*sigh* Okay, okay. Hmmmm just go with the flow. Have a good time with Arthur. Who knows maybe you might see me with King today. Lizzy! Can you help me for a minute! I got to go before king burns down the apartment. Have fun!"

Lizzy then hung up.

I put my phone on the night stand and stood up. I made my way to my closet and pulled out this:

 I made my way to my closet and pulled out this:

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