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I usually have a good tendency of biting my tongue when I get angry. When I get mad my mind just goes red, and I want to attack every single person I see; even if they did absolutely nothing to hurt or offend me. As I got older I learned how to control my temper, how to control and filter what I say when I'm angry. 

But with this model, Louis Tomlinson, everything I've learned about controlling what I say flew out the window.

"Who am I? Well if you actually had some fucking manners, you'd have the decency to listen to others when they speak to you. I am Alexis Smith, for the second time. I'm the person who's fixing your hair right now and for the rest of the day," I was fuming. 

I grabbed his head and started to brush through it untangling the knots buried underneath the top layer. He was glaring at me through the mirror. 

"I am a human being, and there's a way to fucking talk to other human beings considering you're one yourself," I put my brush down and grabbed a spray bottle full of water.

"I am someone who doesn't give two shits if you make more money than I ever will. I am someone who doesn't give a fuck if you can destroy my career in two fucking seconds," I sprayed his hair trying to get it damp. 

He was still staring at me, he never took his eyes off me as I spoke. I could feel them burning on my cheeks as I turned to grab a fine comb that was on the table in front of him.

"I'm someone who can make you bald within a minute," I turned to face him as I was going to stand back behind his chair. 

He didn't say anything for the rest of the time I was fixing his hair, however his eyes never left mine. I would occasionally look up into the mirror to see how his hair was turning out but instead of looking at his hair my eyes would lock onto his.

"Stop staring at me, please," I whispered. Saying 'please' as I tried to control my temper. 

"Why?" he whispered back. This was the first time he spoke since I told him off. His voice was so raspy yet smooth, it was harsh yet soothing, breathy yet calm. I took a deep breath to answer, but he beat me to it. 

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" he spoke, "or does it get you wet?" he threw out.

What he said should've made me choke on my spit or something but it didn't. I was uncomfortable with what he said, but the way he said it made it all true. His voice was so raspy, deep, smooth, and to top it all off, his accent. 

I hadn't noticed my jaw drop open until he place his finger below my chin and pushed it back up, "close your mouth, love," his voice called out, "I don't want you to drool on me just yet." 

He got up off his chair, giving me a perfect view of the tattoos on his chest and the ones along his arms. As he turned to face towards me, I scanned his body from his belly up to his chest where I read a tattoo that said "it is what it is" I lingered there for a few seconds before continuing further up to his his chin. 

My eyes slowly trailed up to his lips where I could see his lips slightly tremble from his jagged breaths. His eyes were the next. His eyes were an obvious blue, but they had a tint of grey in them. The more I looked in them the more they changed between blue and grey. 

Once again, I felt his finger on the bottom of my chin. "This is the second time I'm telling you this, love," he pushed my chin up, "if it drops open one more time I might just put it to use," he winked and sauntered out of the room. 

I didn't notice that I was holding my breath until the door closed behind him and a long, drawn-out breath escaped my lungs. "What the fuck," I muttered as I fell onto the couch behind me.

Authors note: 

Hey guys, here's chapter two :) I hoped you enjoyed this chapter x

pls vote and comment xx 

follow me on twitter @kingtomlnsn :) dm me, my dms are always open!

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