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A/N: the end mentions drug use just a bit so if you're uncomfortable you can skip the last two paragraphs

I slammed my apartment door open, mad at the fact that just half of a block to my apartment it rained. Hard.

I was dripping head to toe, it looked like I jumped into a pool with my clothes on. Good thing I didn't put on heavy make-up or else it would be dripping down my face right now.

I let myself drip for a few seconds at the door way before running into the bathroom, "Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall," I said in a sing-song voice as I ran across the floor.

I made it to the bathroom without slipping and falling and I was pretty proud of myself. I stood in the shower and peeled off the wet clothes from my body, flinching every time a cold, wet piece of fabric would retouch my skin.

I turned on the water and let it wash away the rain water. The hot water took away all the stress and tension that I had from my encounter with Louis today, I rubbed my hands down my face to get rid of the water.

I let my hands fall to my sides, the only thing moving was the constant stream of the water hitting my back, trailing down my body, then sliding into the drain.

It's only five shows, I reasoned with myself while I focused on a certain tile on the wall, Five shows, I restated.

I tried to convince myself that it wasn't going to be as bad as I am imagining it, but every time I was close to agreeing on doing it his voice would seep into my thoughts.

"I hope you take the job," his voice would start, "I want to know what else those soft lips can do," his smug smirk would flash through my mind, causing me to rethink the whole decision over again.

After being in deep thought for so long, I groaned and shut off the water. I got out, wiped myself dry of excess water, and stood in front of the mirror.

I couldn't help but contemplate on whether or not I should take the job. I thought about it too much and too hard that I got a headache. I opened up the side mirror in the bathroom, my medicine cabinet, and pulled out two pills of Tylenol.

As I shut the cabinet, I looked up at the bigger mirror. I let out a small frightened shriek as I saw someone stand behind me; Louis fucking Tomlinson.

I dropped my pills into the sink and quickly turned around, but he wasn't there. I let out a sigh and put my hands on the sink, supporting me as I leaned against it.

It was just my imagination, I comforted myself.

I picked up the now dirty pills and threw them away, I figured I could just go without it and walked into my closet to change into something for the 'party' tonight.

I didn't know what to wear so I just picked out the most fanciest, expensive, sexiest dress I had in my closet. The least I could do was try to match up with what the people there would be wearing.

I pulled on the black dress and strappy wedges to go with it. After I did my hair and make-up I decided I should eat something, not wanting to drink on an empty stomach.

As I finished my food I heard a consecutive rhythm of knocks. I grabbed my bottle of water and walked to door, opening it to find Nat in a navy blue dress with cute pumps.

"That's the most sexy dress you have," she called after me as I walked away, downing my water. "Plan on getting some tonight?" she winked at me.

I finished my water and wiped my mouth, "I just didn't want to look under dressed," I shrugged. "You ready?" I asked her as I grabbed my jacket off the couch.

"Let's go, babe," Nat walked over and hooked her arm through mine as we walked out of my apartment.


We walked into the party ten minutes past the hour of ten, it was already booming.

I could hear the music the minute we climbed out of the cab, the bass was making the building shake. It was so loud, so strong that I could feel it vibrate within my rib cage.

"Let's get a drink!" Nat shouted into my ear. It was still hard for me to hear her over the music, all I heard was 'drink'

I let her drag me to the bar, "two jägerbombs," I called out to the bartender, he looked at me funny.

"Jäger? Are you sure you can handle that?" he chuckled, Nat and I shot him an annoyed look.

"Just because we are women, doesn't mean we can't hold our drinks," Nat spat out. We experience this all the time. Nat and I go out and order our pregame shots; jägerbombs. Most bartenders give us a look, just like this one did, because not many women will order jäger.

But Nat and I aren't stupid. Yeah, it's like 70 percent proof, but we won't be drinking it all night long. The bartenders think we will but we aren't, we know our shit.

"Two jägerbombs, come on, man!" I slapped the counter playfully, trying to set him at ease from Nat's little snap. The bartender nodded and quickly fixed up our drinks, then slid the shot glasses over to us.

I grabbed mine and held it in the air, Nat did the same. "Here's to a night of alcohol, drunk dancing, and maybe drunk sex!" I yelled as we toasted our glasses together then threw the bombs back.

I let out a hiss as I swallowed the drink, I loved the burning sensation that alcohol gave me. I loved how confident it made me, but also how stupid I got after a few drinks.

"I'll be back," I grabbed Nat and spoke into her ear, "I need to pee real quick," I got up and started walking to the restroom.

I immediately felt the effects of the shot we just took, my eyes started to feel a little heavy, my skin was tingly and fuzzy, the music suddenly didn't seem so loud. If anything, I wanted it louder.

As I walked up to the restroom, I noticed that there was a long line for the ladies room. I groaned as my eyes couldn't find the end of the line.

I didn't know how much I actually needed to pee until I saw that the guys' restroom had no line.

I shifted my gaze between the female and male restroom a few times, considering whether or not to go into the guys' and just pee instead of having to hold it in for 20 minutes in the line.

"Fuck it," I muttered and walked into the men's restroom.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing in here? Didn't they tell you not to come in here?" a big, husky guy towered over me. I figured he was some kind of body guard. My eyes averted from the intimidating man and look to the side.

I noticed a few people were also in here, there were two girls and one guy. He was hunched over the sink, as if he was going to vomit.

The guy and two girls quickly looked over at me, surprised by the body guards booming voice. I saw the three people all holding rolled up bills in one hand, and the guy had a white powder sprinkled under his nose.

It was only then that I noticed why there wasn't a line, Louis fucking Tomlinson was snorting crack.


BOOM. I didn't see this coming, tbh. I had a whole other idea of where this chapter was supposed to go, but in the middle of it this idea came to my mind and I wrote it and I liked it.

Just a reminder that this is a work of FICTION. This is NOT real.

Thank you so much for the 700 reads! What the heck, this is crazy!! I'm so glad you guys like it tho! :)

Thank you also for all the comments and votes, I know I say this in every chapter but I don't think I can thank you enough!

If you like this pls share with your friends :) get them in on this haha

Hope you enjoyed!

Don't forget to vote and comment, it warms my heart knowing you enjoy the story so far :)  

love u cuties xx

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