twenty five

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An elevator ride has never been more awkward than this one. David was fuming and I was beside him on the verge of tears. I hated how long it took for us to get back down. I hated how Louis had to ruin such a good night. I hated how David reacted to Louis. I hated how everyone stared at me as Louis said those things to me.

Before we reached the ground floor, I broke the silence. "I think I'll just catch a cab home." I didn't look at Dave. I stared straight ahead, afraid that he'll give me an angry stare. But he didn't say anything. "I'm really sorry, for everything. I didn't know he was there and I would never have expected him to be like that."

Out of the corner of my eye I could his shoulders relax. He took a deep breath before turning to face me. "It's not your fault. It's just," He paused, "Louis. He just knows how get on my nerves. I should be apologizing. My behavior was uncalled for and rude." He took my hand in his, "Alexis, I am really sorry for tonight. The least I can do right now is give you a ride back home."

That's what I like about David, he's such a gentleman. Very sweet and knows how to treat people. I gave him a small smile and whispered, "Okay." My phone in hand, lit up. I was getting nonstop messages from Louis but I didn't bother looking at them.


David and I talked like we did before Louis showed up as we drove back to my house. I was grateful that David didn't let Louis ruin our whole night. Yes, our dinner was ruined but the car ride wasn't. We laughed and joked, teased and bantered.

By the time he pulled up at my apartment, I didn't want to leave because we were having such a good time. "We should try this again sometime." I offered.

David nodded his head, "Yeah, definitely." He leaned over and gave me a peck on the check. "You gave me one earlier so it's only fair to return the favor." He winked and I got out of the car.

I waved at him as he pulled away. As I walked up the stairs, I could hear someone tapping away on their phone. Turning the corner to my apartment door, I saw who it was. It was Louis. I stopped in my tracks and threw my arms down. My purse hanging from my hand and Louis looked up. "Finally." He scoffed and stood up, shoving his phone into his pocket.

I unlocked my door without saying a word to him. My plan was to walk into my apartment quickly and shut the door in his face but it didn't turn out as I planned. He sneaked in behind me and ended up standing in the middle of my kitchen, waiting for me. I exhaled loudly, making sure he heard me but I heard him scoff again.

"Is it too hard for you to check your phone every once in a while?" He said with annoyance. I didn't answer. "I've been texting you. I wanted to know if you were alright with that piece of shit David." I still didn't answer. I walked past him and grabbed a cup of water before walking into my room to change out of my outfit.

I was in my bathroom taking out my earrings and other jewelry when Louis walked in. "What? Are you ignoring me now?" He leaned against the door frame. I tied my hair into a ponytail and walked behind him and into the living room. "If you're waiting for me to apologize for ruining your date then forget it. You should actually be thanking me for ending it early and knowing you won't be going on a second date with him." He sat on the opposite couch of me.

Breaking my silence, I spoke. "Actually, we are going on a second date thanks to you." I turned the television on and made it louder than I usually keep it.

Louis placed his elbows on top of his knees, leaning forward, "Like hell you are." His voice becoming angry. "Glad to see you're talking to me now, babe." I cringed at his pet name for me.

"Yeah, because I have nothing to say to you." I narrowed my eyes at the tv.

"And why is that?" He voice changed in pitch, a little deeper now.

"Let me, see." I muted the television and sat up, counting on my fingers I said, "You ruined my date tonight which was going really fucking well, you caused a big scene for no apparent reason, and you embarrassed me in front of the whole restaurant!" I threw myself back on the couch, my back hitting the cushions.

"Embarrassed you how? If anything, I embarrassed the fucker you were with." Louis was trying to act innocent now and I am not going to take it.

"Louis." I snapped. "You literally told everyone in there that we had sex. Yes, we fucked, I know that. You don't need to remind me nor do you need to announce it to the fucking world! So what if we had sex? I had sex with other people and I know you did too! But you don't go around telling it to everyone! Do you know the looks I got from people in there? They looked at me like I was some fucking whore. Thanks to you! So, I should thank you for tonight? Okay, thank you Louis! Thank you for making me feel like utter shit. It means a-fucking-lot." I sarcastically said.

He was quiet. For the first time this night, Louis Tomlinson was fucking quiet and I couldn't be more happier. His eyes were staring at me. Piercing me. His eyebrows were knitted together, his blue eyes were a darker shade now. I couldn't tell if they held anger, annoyance, or irritation. "I'm sorry." He muttered.

"What?" I almost choked from what I thought I heard.

"I said," he took a deep breath, "I'm sorry." He repeated.

It was my turn to take a deep breath. I was sick and tired of fighting. Tired of hearing it, seeing it, or being in it. "What got into you?" I whined, "You were so nice lately, well kind of, but when we ran into David at the mall you tensed up and then tonight you, like, exploded."

Louis' hands ran up and down his face, exasperated, he said, "I don't know, Alexis. Honestly, I don't."

"Do you not like Dave?" I asked.

"He's a good guy and I like messing with him. I like seeing him get angry especially when we're at work, but I don't necessarily have anything against him." He confessed, "I'm assuming I'm having withdrawals? I don't know. Ever since I decided to quit.." He paused, "you know," he said suggestively, "I've been feeling, somewhat, possessive over you. I have this thing that makes me want to know where you are or what you're doing every second of every day. I don't want to know because I could care less what the fuck you're doing but if I don't know then I get antsy and shit."

"But it doesn't mean anything." He quickly added. I looked at him with amusement while he was staring at his hands, confused about what he just said. "It doesn't mean anything." He repeated.

Of course it doesn't, I told myself, nothing at all.


Hey! Sorry, I've been having a crazy week. I wanted to update sooner but didn't have the chance. I'll be updating both of my fics today so it's like a double shot Friday!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

love u cuties xx

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