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"Hello, earth to Alex!" Nat snaps in front of my face, breaking me out of my trance. "What do you say?" she asks in a high-pitched voice.

I drop my head into my hands and groan, "I don't know, Nat," I say.

"What's there not to know about?" she says with a little attitude, "You get paid, Alex. You will be getting paid more than you will make if you take ten regular jobs!" she tries to persuade me into taking the offer.

I throw my head back. I expected to land on the cushion, but I ended up bashing my head against the wall.

"Fuck," I hiss and grab the throbbing area. "I just don't know, Nat. These people are my type of people! They're annoying, arrogant, and such dickheads! I don't know if I want to be around them anymore," I plea.

"Who is annoying, arrogant, and such dickheads?" Louis walks in, quoting me.

He immediately started to undress. He either doesn't care about the fact that we are in the room or he's doing it on purpose. He's doing it on purpose, he knows how hot he is, I smiled to myself.

Nat's head quickly snaps to me. Her eyes wide, surprised at the sudden nakedness of Louis. "What is he doing?" she whispers.

I chuckled a bit and shook my head at her. This isn't the first time I've experienced models change right in front of me.

Natalie clears her throat, "Alex got offered to be the stylist for the next five shows, but she's overthinking it," she rolls her eyes at me.

"This is all wrong!" a male voice boomed from the other side of the room, "Where is Natalie?!" he yells.

"Shit, shit, shit," Nat quickly jumps and starts running out of the room. Leaving me and the hot, annoying model alone.

I look around the room, trying to avoid eye contact with him. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head as I turn and finish packing my bag.

I reach to grab my brush off the mirror and look up. He's standing right behind me. I drop the brush causing it to make a loud clack.

"Are you taking the job?" he asks in a low voice. I feel his hot breath on neck, causing every single hair on my body to stick up.

"Answer me," he demanded. I slowly lift my eyes up to the mirror to meet his gaze.

"I don't know," I shakily said. His presence causes me to go into a full-on panic, but I'm not scared. I get the shakes, my heart rate goes up, and my breath becomes hitched. But I'm not scared of him.

He pulls his lips into a side smile, "Take it," he says as he takes a few steps back. Giving some room between our bodies and giving me the chance to breath.

"It'll give me the chance to get to know you better," he says while winking at me. He turns around, his bare back facing me.

Fuck. I watched how his muscles moved perfectly when he reached for his shirt. His back was slightly-built, giving his back a broad shape. It was perfect, no wounds or marks on it. Perfect, smooth, tanned skin.

Perfect to leave scratch marks on, I thought but quickly scolded myself.

To my disappointment, he pulled his shirt over his head and covered his sexy ass back. I involuntarily sighed, rather loud might I add.

Louis' head turned and I caught a sly smile playing on his lips. He shook his head in slight laughter and placed a hat on his head.

"It was nice seeing you again, Alexis," he pulled the straps of his backpack on his shoulders. "I hope you take the job, I want to know what else those soft lips can do," he smirked as he adjusted the straps.

I finally found the words that I didn't have before, "That was a one time thing, you caught me off guard," I tried to defend myself.

Louis threw his head back and laughed, clapping his hands every now and then. "Don't give me that bullshit, Alex," he said as he contained himself.

"It's not 'bullshit,' it's the truth. I didn't even enjoy it," I crossed my arms as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Then why'd you kiss back?" he smiled smugly. "Don't try to lie, Alex, you aren't very well at it," he winked and walked out of the room.

"Ugh!" I grunted and screamed into a pillow. He grinds my gears so much. I'd like to grind against his gears, if you know what I mean, I thought. Stop thinking about him like that, Alex, I slapped myself to knock out of it.

If I were to get with anyone, it would be someone who isn't such an asshole all the time. But I'm attracted to assholes, so that's a problem. I should go on a date, Nat and I should get wasted and get with cute guys. Yeah, let's do that. I thought.

"Alex!" Nat came running into the room for the second time today, "Go home and get dressed, I'll pick you up when I'm done here," she told me.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"There's a party tonight! I got invited and I'm bringing you!" she threw my bag at me and started pushing me out of the room.

Just what I needed.


Hey guys :) This chapter doesn't look too long on the computer, but it might on phones so yeah haha.

Thank you so fricking much for the 500+ reads! I'm so glad you guys liked this :)

Also, I felt like this needed to be said: this story will have adult content, like the stuff I've written in the past chapters and a bit more of that but I don't think I'll be writing legit smut. Like I'll hint that they are going to/had sex but I don't think I'll write it out lol. I'm not rly good at it so I won't even try lol.

Vote and comment!! I love reading your reactions! Share the story with your friends :)

love u cuties xx

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