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A/N: SURPRISE UPDATE YAY!! unedited btw

Take the job.

I read the message over and over, wondering who in the world texted me this.

I haven't given out my number to anyone recently and all the people who have my number I have saved. I started to bite my lip in nervousness and confusion.

After a few minutes of pondering the thought of who it was from I decided to text back.

To: Unknown Number 10:55pm
     Who is this?

I figured they wouldn't text back until at least five minutes later, but I was wrong. They responded as quick as I sent it.

From: Unknown Number 10:55pm
     Does it really matter who this is? Just take the job. 

To: Unknown Number 10:56pm
     Yes, it matters because it's creepy getting a text from a random stranger telling me to take a job.

I responded with an attitude because of how impolite this person was. I threw my phone to the side and scoffed. I focused back on the tv show, and fell asleep faster than I ever imagined.


I woke up at eight in the morning by my alarm, fuck I have to work today. I groaned and turned on my other side in Natalie's small couch.

My phone, somehow, slipped of the couch and landed onto the floor. Making the alarm sounding louder than usual because the speaker was facing the tiles.

"Fucking turn it off!" I heard Natalie yell then footsteps retreating to the bathroom.

I threw the blanket off of me and grabbed my phone off the floor. I checked my notifications; I had a few new emails and a two new text messages. The messages were from my mom checking up on me. No new message from the anonymous texter last night.

I walked over to the bathroom where Natalie was sitting on the floor, "You okay?" I bent down to level with her.

"My stomach is on fire," she groaned.

"Did you drink any water last night?" I asked as I tied her hair up in a bun.

"No," she admitted with shame while leaning her head against the wall.

I walked to the kitchen and brought her back a cup of water, "Here," I handed it to her, "I have to go, I have to work. I'll be back later today to check up on you, okay?" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and patted her head.

My phone vibrated in my hand as I closed her front door. I got a new message.

From: Unknown Number 8:10am
     Are you busy today?

I leaned against the door as I texted back.

To: Unknown Number 8:11am
     I don't know you.

From: Unknown Number 8:12am
     We need to talk, are you busy later today?

To: Unknown Number 8:13am
     Go away.

I locked my phone and stuffed it into my pocket as I started to walk home.

After going home and changing into work appropriate clothes and grabbing my bag, I arrived at the set. I was greeted by some of the actors and security guards.

I worked at this upcoming television show. The cast were great people, and the producers and staff were all close together. We were like a little family. But the show itself sucked. I knew that after the first day of filming that this show would burn and crash.

It was going to be one of those shows that airs like three episodes then you never see it again. I felt bad because of how much money they were putting into it.

After seven hours of going back and forth between cuts to fix hair I was finally off work. "Hey, Alex!" one of the co-producers called out to me.

"Hey, Ben. What's up?" I turned my head to the side to look over at him while I continued packing my bag full of product.

"Some of the cast and crew are going to grab something to eat and maybe drinks later, wanna join?" he started to help me pack.

"Thanks, and yeah. Sure," I accepted his offer with a smile. "What time are we going?" I asked.

"After this last scene," he said as I zipped the bag up and placed it on the floor. I said a small okay and sat down into one of the seats as he ran back to where he was needed.


From: Unknown Number 3:29pm
     Meet me at The Sun Dial tonight at 5, we need to talk.

I rolled my eyes at the text message, and contemplated whether or not I should go. I decided to not respond right now. Ben walked in the area to where I was and motioned for me to follow him.

We made our way to a Subway and ordered our food. There was a bunch of us, maybe fifteen at the most. The workers looked overwhelmed by the time everyone got their subs made. After I finished eating I checked the time, it was 4:30.

I bit my lip in nervousness because I was actually planning on going to The Sun Dial to meet whoever was texting me. It's stupid to actually go somewhere and meet this unknown person but I found it exciting.

It was thrilling. I had some type of adrenaline rush when I thought about rising up in the elevator to the restaurant then walking in and try to find who it is. I decided to go. I told my colleagues I'll catch them later and called a cab to take me to The Sun Dial.

Once I reached there and got into the elevator my heart was pounding in my chest. Every floor we'd pass gave me more and more chills. The higher I got the more my legs felt like jelly. As the elevator came to a stop I looked down at my clothes one last time.

I was dressed in dark blue skinny jeans with a sheer grey tank-top covered with a black cardigan. I took a deep breath and walked out as the doors opened. I took three steps out then stopped and looked for a few seconds.

"Do you have reservations, ma'am?" the hostess asked.

Before I could answer I felt a hand on my lower back pushing me forward. "She's with me," I heard an all too familiar voice. I looked behind me and saw Louis Tomlinson's face with a smug smile.


hey guys :) surprise!! I decided to update since I didn't update last week (and bc some of you were dying for an update) and I didn't want to wait to update bc I'm getting excited of what's to come in this story omg 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! don't forget to vote and comment ! :) 

btw I got nominated for @thefanfictionawards under: best louis tomlinson fanfiction, best of the undiscovered, and best of the little! thank you for whoever nominated me, I can't remember who it was. 

but pls vote for me ! but read the rules first :) (not like I'll actually win lol) 

love u cuties so very much xx 

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