fifty eight

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As I sat in my car waiting for the person I was calling to pick up the phone, I felt something in my chest.

"Cindy's Decorations, how may I help you?" A girl spoke.

The seconds she stopped talking, I hung up. My mind was boggling. Thoughts flying in and out my brain. My breathing fastened and became labored. I started to worry... though I don't know why.

I looked at the paper in my hand, studied it, and finally made a decision. Alexis will have her party, but there will be a twist. A hint of Louis, if you would say.

I called the numbers on the paper, made a few adjustments, set the times back for when they came. Alexis needed a little worry for today, considering the fact that she didn't listen to me.

Now, we were in the ballroom. Majority of the decorations that Alexis ordered were here. But, I changed the centerpieces. I didn't want the colorful flowers in them, instead I ordered white roses with a red one right in the middle.

Somehow, I stumbled upon the guest list. I sent out mass email telling them that the attire was changed. It changed from semi-formal to formal. If it's going to be a party, might as well make it formal, right? Make us feel like high-class, wealthy people. Even if it's just for a night.

"Hey, Louis." David walked up to me, shaking my hand then quickly pulling me into a hug. "Happy birthday, man." He patted my back.

I chuckled, I've never seen David so relaxed around me. "Thank you." I nodded.

Then more and more people came. Hugs, kisses, handshakes, pats, everything. I was surprised at how many people showed up. When I saw the list I thought that half wouldn't even come, thinking that they hated me for being the way I was before. Before I met Alexis.

But, maybe, she talked to them. Told them I've changed and they should give me a chance? The thought of this started an angry flame in me. I didn't want her to speak for me, to make it sound like I wanted them to like me. I couldn't give two shits if people liked me.

Out of curiosity, and anger, the next person who I didn't quite know greeted me. And instead of saying thank you, I said, "Why are you here?"

He looked dumbfounded. "W-what?" He asked. "Uh... Alexis invited me." He said slowly.

"I know, but why? We barely know each other and I'm pretty sure when I met you I said some things that wasn't quite nice." I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to get the answer I want.

He sighed. "A lot of us," meaning the models, "really do look up to you, Tomlinson. You won't win the nicest guy award but you'd win... something." I laughed at him. "You're a great model, you take your work seriously, and with how young you are and how successful you've become, we'd be idiots to not, somewhat, idolize you." He gave me a small smile before walking away.

I nodded my head, taking in what he said. So, she didn't make me sound like a hurt child when their friends say "we're not friends anymore." I quickly tossed the thought out of my head.

Once all the greetings were over and the crowd has died down, I found my table and sat next to Alexis. At our table was me, Alexis, Natalie, Tyler, David, and his girlfriend. Tyler was a coworker of mine that Alexis had set up with Natalie. They were already kicking it off.

"Are you surprised?" Alexis leaned over to me, a proud smile playing on her lips.

I nodded, "Yes, love. I am."

Her face immediately fell. "You're not." She whispered.

I cocked my head to the side. "What do you mean?" I asked.

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