fifty four

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It was two days until Christmas. One day until my birthday. Honestly, I don't care about my birthday. It's nothing special. Just another day marking that I'm getting older. Yay.

When I was younger, just like everyone else, I celebrated my birthday. Big parties, cool cakes, friends and family around me, and I was the center of attention. Now, I don't want a party, a cake, or friends and family around me. I don't even want to be the center attention. All I want is her attention; Alexis.

I looked over at her. She was on her phone. Her hands moving as she talked. Her eyebrows scrunched up when whoever she was talking to replied to her. "No, I don't want that." She barked into her phone. Her eyes rolled.

"Eyes." I spoke, half serious, half joking.

She shot me an annoyed look. Her middle finger instantly flew up in the air as she walked into the other room. I threw my head back in laughter at how easily annoyed she was. She's becoming just like me.

I stopped laughing. "Oh, shit." I realized. "She's becoming just like me." I didn't want that. We didn't need that. We don't need another me in this house. I'm already a handful. Imagine Alexis. With her own temper and her unpredictable mouth, she'd be even worse.

She walked back in. Her phone in pocket. Her eyelid half way closed on both eyes, tired. "You're becoming like me. Stop it." I told her as I bit into my sandwich.

Crunches escaped my mouth as I chewed on the lettuce and tomatoes. I placed my sandwich down as I watched her quickly walk up to me. "Don't tell me what to do." Alexis said, grabbing my sandwich in her hand and taking a bite out of it. Her face, twisted, looked at me. "Needs ketchup." She talked with her mouth full.

"It's my sandwich." I mumbled, grabbing it back. "It doesn't need ketchup." Taking a bite.

"Needs chips." I muttered, walking over to the pantry. As I was looking for potato chips, I heard a buzz. Instinctively, I turned around. My eyes fell on Alexis' phone on the countertop. It buzzed again, the screen lighting up. I looked out through the kitchen door, making sure she wasn't coming back in.

Once I figured she was somewhere else, I walked over to her phone. My eyes still gazing out in the hallway, cautious. I slipped the phone into my palm and turned on the screen. My thumb flicked upward, past all her social media notifications. Twitter. Instagram. Snapchat. Facebook.

I instantly felt anger as I saw a few boy names in her notifications. I could feel my face tightening. My eyebrows knitting. My lips pursing. My neck started to get hot. I did not like this.

But all of that quickly vanished as I landed on the last notification.

9:30am. Call venue for Louis' party.

She was throwing me a party. Then, the anger fled back in. Not because of the names, but because of the party. I did not want a fucking party. I even told. I sat her down, told her I do not want a party, and she throws a damn party. I'd rather have a whole bottle split between Alexis and I as we watch some sappy movie she loves on my birthday than be surrounded by drunk idiots who I barely know.

Her phone buzzed again.

9:35am. Check in with Natalie about the plans for Louis' party.

A light bulb instantly lit above my head. I placed her phone back down and walked to my room. I yanked off my shirt and put on a clean one. With my phone in hand, I dialed Natalie's number. Within the second ring, she picked up.

"Hey, Thick." She smugly said through the phone. After a while, her little nickname for me got annoying, but she still calls me it knowing it bothers me.

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