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What the hell just happened?

I tried to compose myself from the little skit that happened with the model. I sat on the couch, with eyes wide open, burning a hole into the wall across from me as I stared at it with such concentration.

A few minutes later the door opened, two male models walked into the room laughing over something they saw. I quickly snapped out of my trance and got to my feet.

I cleared my throat and introduced myself, "hey fellas, I'm Alex," I gave a small wave and walked towards my chair. The two guys had small smiles and gave slight nods. Well, at least they are nicer than the previous shithead, I scoffed lightly at the thought of, and I quote, 'Louis fucking Tomlinson'

Without any notice they started taking off their clothes. I didn't mean to stare at them but it was what my eyes laid on as I looked up at the mirror. I hadn't realized how much I was gawking at them when one of them turned around and laughed at me.

I quickly shut my mouth, tucked my hair behind my ear, and asked "So, who's going first?" I fumbled around with my blow dryer as one of them walked towards me. I quickly glanced at his attire.

He was modeling sweatpants and shoes. I asked him if he still needed me to fix his hair since it was only his waist down and he said yes because the photographer takes full body photos. I nodded and quickly fix his hair while the other model got ready.

Once I was done with him, his friend sat in my chair and introduced himself as David. We got chatted for a few seconds before he asked, "Have you met Louis yet?"

My actions froze as I stared at him through the mirror. I cleared my throat, "Yeah, he was actually the first one I styled," I said as I continued to fix his hair.

"Yeah," David laughed, "he likes to be the first one to get his hair done. He's very intense, yeah?," he asked. I nodded and he chuckled then picked up his phone and started to play a game.

I was soon done with his hair and David thanked me for making him 'look good' before leaving the room. As he opened the door, I caught a glimpse of Louis still having his photos taken. I argued with myself if whether I should or should not watch him.

I went against my better judgement and watched.

I watched how he would rub his hands over his face and give the camera a sultry look. Louis would poke out his tongue every now and then between the infinite shots that were being taken. I watched how his tongue would glide along his lower lip before it was pulled in a small smile.

I watched as he rubbed his hands together in the front of him while looking down then at the last second look up. He did this a few times because the photographer didn't like how the photos were turning out. "Hurry the fuck up," Louis snarled causing the photographer to fumble with his camera.

The photographer told Louis that this was gonna be the last take of this outfit before he could change. He rolled his eyes. I watched how he clapped his hands together gave them a slow, soft rub and then looked up. Only this time, he wasn't looking at the camera.

He was looking at me.

His eyes locked on mine as soon as he looked up. He didn't even search the room or anything, it was as if he knew I was standing here watching him. His small smile for the camera soon turned into a full on smirk, causing the photographer to yell 'yes!' and take a hundred photos a second.

I quickly turned on my heel and walked as fast as I could into the dressing room. I closed the door behind me and leaned against it as I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

"Louis! Louis, wait! Come back!" I faintly heard through the door. Out of curiosity of what was happening I opened the door and stood in the door way. Louis was fast approaching me and before I knew it he pushed me back into the room and pressed me against the wall.

"Alexis," he breathed into my hair as my head was down. "Why were you watching me?" he grabbed my chin and made me look at him, "look at me when I'm speaking to you," he growled.

I pushed his hand away from my chin, and shoved him off of me. "There was no one in the room to style next so I figured why not go outside and see what's happening. It just so happened that you were modeling at the time," I lied.

"Bullshit," he said. I heard his footsteps follow mine as I walked away.

I turned around quickly to find myself face to face with him, "excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow as I looked up at his face.

Louis crossed his arms, smirked and said, "I said bull. shit." His sentence lingered in the air a few leaving me wanting to hear his voice again.

Louis took off his joggers and put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before throwing on his jacket. He never took his eyes off mine as he fixed the collar on his jacket.

Nat walked in calling Louis to come back out and take one more photo but quickly stopped when she saw his clothes. "What do you think you're doing?" her voice got higher with every word.

Louis grabbed his phone and shoved it in his pocket, "I'm leaving," the tone of his voice dared her not to question him any further.

"Why?" Natalie furrowed her eyebrows at him as Louis started to walk closer and closer to the door.

"Because I can't fucking concentrate with her staring at me," Louis spat out and turned to face me.

My jaw dropped and I was at a lost for words once more. That's all I've been doing since I met him this morning.

"Close your mouth, Alex. Last and final warning," he said. Louis stared at me longer than he should have at the door. I looked at Nat who's jaw was on the floor then looked back at Louis.

He gave me a quick wink before closing the door behind him.


Hey guys :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm not really satisfied with how this turned out. It's probably because I updated this at 1am LOL.

This is almost at 100 reads omg thank you all so so much!!

Pls vote and comment if you like it :)

love u cuties x

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