twenty three

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After our little run in with David, Natalie dragged me home to get ready. She was acting like she was the one going on the date rather than me because she was excited. I sat down on my bed while she rummaged through my closet. Nat was rambling on about something that I didn't bother listening to. My thoughts were elsewhere.

I was thinking about how tonight would turn out. If it would be a good time or if it would end up in a disaster. I thought about Louis. I wondered if he would be okay when I told him I went on a date with David. I was even debating whether or not I should tell him at all.

I threw myself back onto my bed, slightly bouncing up and down from the amount of force I used. Lifting my arms, I ran my hands up and down my face not caring if I was messing up my make-up. "Tada!" Natalie's high pitched voice rang through my head.

I propped myself on my elbows and looked at her. She was holding a simple yet elegant black dress that still had a price tag on it. "You have such beautiful clothes, Alex. I don't know why you always decide on wearing raggedy-ass looking clothes." She remarked.

"That's because half of the clothes in there, you've forced me to buy!" I yelled after her as she walked back into the closet. I heard her mimic me and I laughed.

I heard a ding from my phone.

From: David Peterson
I'll be there to pick you up in about 45 minutes :)

I typed a quick 'okay' and threw my phone back down and forced myself to stand up and get ready. "He's coming in 45 minutes," I said as Nat walked back into the room, "is the outfit you picked ready?"

Natalie nodded her head, a smile on her face from the satisfaction she has from picking out my outfit the date she set up. "Now hurry up, you don't want to be rushed." She shoved me past her and into the restroom.


There was a knock on the door. My heart immediately started to beat wildly.

I flicked my eyes towards the door as Nat opened it. There stood David, in a beautiful navy blue dress shirt, black slacks, and his hair was combed back. He looked really handsome tonight, more handsome than I've ever seen him when he was modeling. And I've seen him half naked.

Once I was beside him and walking out of the door, we both spoke at the same time. "You look handsome tonight." I said, while he said, "You are stunning." We laughed at each other.

David was awfully quiet, he is usually the chatterbox but something was different about him tonight. I don't know if it was his nerves getting to him as they were getting to me or what. "Have you ever been to this place before?" He asked me as he pulled into a parking spot.

I looked at my surroundings, "Actually, I do. I ate here before." I smiled at the familiarity of the restaurant.

"Who with?" He questioned, the sound of the gears shifting as he put the car into park.

"Louis." I absentmindedly said. At the sound of his name, David visibly tensed up. I immediately regretted it. I quickly put my hand on shoulder and motioned for us to step out of the car, trying to ease his tension.

As we were in the elevator David put his hand on the small of my back, but all I could think of was of Louis. How he put his hand on the exact same spot the first time I was here, pushing me through the restaurant, guiding me to our table. My mind went through the whole 'date' that Louis and I had here within the ride of the elevator.

We were greeted by the loud chatter of people talking and clanging of utensils rubbing on plates. It was a bit overwhelming going into such an atmosphere after being in a quiet elevator with elevator music. "Is the noise okay with you?" David asked me. What a gentleman, I thought.

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