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He was fast.

Every step he took was quick, one after another. Closing the gap between us faster and faster. His shoulders were hunched over, causing him to have a dark demeanor.

His eyes were focused on me. Only me. They were filled with anger, a flame was flickering in them. A flame that a starving animal would have when it finally found something to prey on.

With every step he took his arms flew out side to side, pushing anything or anyone in his way.

My heart was beating rapidly, my breath was hitched in my throat, the thud from the music caused a massive vibration in my chest.

"Alexis!" Louis yelled a few feet away from me, pushing a poor, drunken girl out of his way. He finally reached me, I could hear his short breaths leaving his mouth.

I stood before him, filled with anger but paralyzed with fear. Louis just stood in front me, not saying anything but he was piercing me with his eyes.

"Alex," Nat grabbed my arm to pull me away.

Louis' eyes left mine and gave a threatening glare to Nat, "Leave," he snarled.

"Excuse me," I heard Nat say as she let go of my arm, "you are in no position to tell me to 'leave' why don't you leave?" she sassily said.

I turned my head to look at my bestfriend. My eyes widened and I my mouth fell open with shock. I looked over at Louis who looked like he was trying to process what just happened.

I was quickly yanked by the arm by Nat. I was tripping over my own feet as we finally left the party. The cold winter air greeted us, leaving light pink marks on our cheeks.

"What the hell is his problem?" Nat scoffed beside me as she shrugged on her jacket.

"Nothing," I muttered, not wanting to bring up what I saw.

A cab pulled up and she was quick to get in, I was about to step in but my name was being called.

"Alexis!" he yelled my name again, I looked up and saw Louis walking out of the club and searching for me. It was only a matter of seconds before he found me and walked straight towards me.

"We need to talk," he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the cab.

Natalie was about to scold him again, scooting closer to the door. Louis quickly bent down to the passenger's seat and spoke to the driver. "Drive around the block twice and come back here for her," he pointed at me.

The driver mumbled a 'yes' and Louis quickly slammed the door before Nat was able to come out. She was yelling a few cuss words as the cab drove off.

"Follow me," he spoke and started pulling me away before my legs were able to cooperate. He pulled me to an alley at the corner of the club and pushed me against the wall.

"What the fuck do you want, Louis?" I spat out and shoved him off of me.

His face that was once stone changed into a face full of frustration. He rubbed his hands over his eyes then down his face before letting out a deep sigh.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "You didn't see anything in that restroom? Are we clear?" his voice was deep.

"I can't unsee it, Louis. How the-" I started saying but he cut me off. "Not a fucking thing," he snarled.

I let out a deep, frustrated sigh. I didn't want to argue with him anymore, I didn't want to deal with his stupid, selfish, egotistical self anymore. "Okay, fine," I rolled my eyes, "I didn't see anything"

I pushed myself off the wall and walked away from him. I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling at it to try and relieve some built up stress.

I walked back to the recent spot where the cab that Nat was in once. It pulled up as I was about text her, I opened the door and quickly slid in.

Louis was in the passengers window in seconds, "here's for the two blocks," he handed over a couple of bills, "they can pay for their ride back wherever," he tapped the door and we drove off.

"The least the little shit can do is pay for our ride back home," Natalie muttered as she crossed her arms.

I snapped my head at her, annoyed with her whining and frustrated with Louis, "Shut up, you're drunk and you're being fucking annoying," I growled at her.

"I'm being annoying?" she sounded offended. "If it wasn't for me and my 'drunk' ass you would've been his dinner!" she defended herself.

"He looked at you as if he was going to eat you. Like he was a hunter and you were a really nice deer," she continued. I looked at her with wide eyes for a few seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter at her analogy.

"You're so fucked up, I love you," I wrapped my arm around her neck and pulled her into a hug.

The cab was filled with silence for the rest of the ride back to her place. When we finally reached there, I shook her awake but all I got was mumbles.

I sighed, gave the driver money, and dragged her out of the cab. "Come on, get up girly," I struggled to get her to stand on her two feet. She finally cooperated by wrapping her arm around my neck for support.

"How many drinks did you have while I was gone?" I grunted as I helped her walk to the elevator.

"I drank like two more shots of tequila," she admitted. "No wonder you're so shitfaced," I laughed at her.

We finally entered into her apartment and I guided her to her bed. I took of her shoes, wiped her face with make-up removing cloths, and helped her change out of her dress.

"You're such a good friend," she sniffled and gave me a smile. "And you're drunk," I mimicked her sniffle, "go to bed," I shoved her head playfully into the pillow and she groaned.

I grabbed a pair of clothes from her closet and changed into them and walked out into the kitchen. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the tv. When I finally landed on a rerun of How I Met Your Mother, my phone vibrated.

I picked it up to see I got a new message from an unknown number, I quickly unlocked it and read what it said.

From: Unknown Number 10:51PM
Take the job.


IF ANYONE KNOWS HOW TO DIFFERENTLY FORMAT TEXTS PLS HELP ME LOL or if it's okay, just comment saying it's okay because I find it kind of weird like how it's formatted here lol. 

btw yesterday (January 10, 2016) Louis arrived in Atlanta and I live 30 minutes away from Atlanta.. I'M SCREAMING HE'S SO CLOSE TO ME BUT I CAN'T MEET HIM :( I literally cried in my closet last night bc I was changing when the pictures of him arriving here were posted. I love him so much. 

I'm so so so sorry I wasn't able to update last Friday! I was at TCTC and I left early Friday morning and left my laptop :( but it's up now!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it was sort of a filler one. 

Don't forget to vote and comment :) share this story with your friends! haha jk

love u cuties xx

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