forty seven

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 I walked down Louis' driveway and was about to get in my car when a hand grabbed my arm. "How are you awake?" I said while turning, expecting it to be Louis.

But it wasn't.

It was Julius.

"Hey, baby." His voice made me want to throw up. His breath smelled like cigarettes and cheap scotch. He looked like he came from a casino. Dressed in a white suit with a black dress shirt inside, unbuttoned.

Immediately, I started to scream. I screamed for Louis. For the neighbors. For help from someone. Anyone. But Julius covered my mouth with his cigarette smelling hand. "Sh, sh, sh, baby girl. I won't hurt you." His words coming out in slurs, sending chills to run up and down my spine. And not the good kind.

"Now, you have to be quiet for me." He whispered. I was breathing hard, fuming as he held me in place. "I need you to go get Louis for me." Julius told me and removed his hand from my mouth.

I spat in his face. Partly because I was disgusted by him and partly because the taste of cigarettes was now on my lips. "Like hell I will." I scoffed. My eyes looked Julius up and down. My face holding a hard scowl as I eyed him.

Julius reached up, his fingers wiping my spit off of his cheeks and flicking it towards the ground. His lips turned upwards into a smug grin. His hand flicked towards the ground, removing whatever spit was still on it, one, two, three times before he grabbed me by the throat.

My hands flew to his wrist, trying to pry it off. My airway slowly being cut off by the force of Julius' hand. I started gasping for air, only getting few portions of it into my lungs before starting to cough. My chest started to hurt, painful stabs being felt everywhere with every second passing.

My eyes started to close but I tried my hardest to keep them open. Julius' figure started to blur out before his hands left my throat and I was left facing the floor. My arms struggling underneath me to keep me up. I slowly regained my breath. My throat felt like it had matches in it. Every side of my throat felt hoarse. Like a match was being dragged up and down it, trying to be lit but it will only hold a flame for a second. Then another would be dragged.

I heard people behind me, but I couldn't make out who. I heard voices but it was being drowned out by a loud ringing. Like the noise you'd hear in movies when a grenade just went off. That white noise.

"Touch her again. I dare you." I heard someone say as my hearing came back.

I brought myself to stand up, my hand at my throat. I had a scowl on my face from the pain but it quickly disappeared as I saw who it was. David had Julius up against my car, pinned him by his arm.

"David?" I spoke but it came out more like a raspy whisper.

David looked over at me. Anger burning in his eyes. "Alexis, get out of here. Go inside the house." He spoke before pulling out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffing Julius.

"You're a cop?" I asked, my hand on my knee as I brought myself up.

"Oh, fucking hell, David. You're a fucking cop." Julius spat as David took him off of the car and walked him away.

"Just go inside." David ordered.

My feet started to walk myself to the house, but my eyes were still looking at David. He held Julius by the hand and walked him off Louis' property and into his car. David walked to the driver's side and stopped before getting in. He stayed there for a few seconds. Just staring at me. "I'll be back soon." He spoke before getting in the car.

As soon as his car pulled away, I ran inside the house and slammed the door behind me. My back pressed against the door, I slid down. Hugging my knees. Tears sliding my cheeks as my emotions overwhelmed me. I placed my head on my hands and let my tears fall freely.

The house was quiet. And all you could hear were the small sobs escaping my lips.


I heard a light knock on the door. I shot up from the chair. I moved to the dining room after I stopped crying and waited for him. I hurriedly walked towards the door and looked through the peep hole.

I yanked the door open and wrapped my arms around David. A soft 'oh' was heard from him. His hands stayed by his sides a few seconds before wrapping around me and hugging me back. "Thank you." I whispered, tears threatening to spill again.

"I would never let anything, or anyone hurt you." He whispered in my hair.

"But you made them kidnap me." I pulled back and looked him in the eyes.

"I needed them to trust me."

"You hated Louis."

"I had to hate who they hated."

"Louis got shot because we tried to escape from your kidnapping."

David got quiet for a few seconds. "I didn't mean for that to happen." He whispered. I nodded before pulling him back into a hug.

I pulled back and let him inside, guiding him to the living room. "So, you're a cop?" I asked.

"FBI, really. I've been working Julius for quite some time now." He answered.

"How'd you know he was here?"

"I followed him. I've been following him. Finding the right moment where he is alone so I could get him, but that moment was only now. I do wish it was another time though." He gave an apologetic smile.

Silent moments passed as we sat at the dining table. No one really knowing what to say, but it wasn't unpleasant. It was calming, knowing we were safe.

"How is he?" David looked at Louis' room.

"He's okay," I answered, "he's been sleeping a lot today from his pills." Then I remembered that I had to go to the doctor's. "Oh, shit." I cursed. David looked at me weirdly. "I need to go to the hospital to ask about his pills." I quickly got up.

David pulled me back down and he got up. "Let me do it. I have to be around there anyways." He insisted. Truth be told, I did not feel like going anywhere. I mumbled an 'okay,' handed him the stuff he needed, told him what to ask, and thanked him on his way out.

As I was laying on the couch, listening to the clock as it ticked and tocked, I felt a hole in my heart appear. Making me want to feel some sort of affection. I slowly brought myself to my feet and walked out of the dining room.

I slowly pushed sat down on the couch where Louis was and lightly shook him. "Louis." I whispered, hoping to wake him up.

A moan escaped his lips. "Let's go to your room." I grabbed his hand and tugged on it.

Louis, sloppily, rose out of the couch and dragged his feet as we walked to his room. He flopped himself onto his bed and let out a long sigh as he hit the sheets. I crawled in next to him. Lifting up his arm and draping it over me. His hand wrapped around me, I snaked my arms around his torso and pulled him close to me.

My head was placed right at his chest, his scent filling my senses. I snuggled closer to him. My want for affection slowly being fueled. Louis' hand grabbed onto my side and pulled me into him even more. I let out a long, pleased sigh. I finally felt safe.


Hey guys! It's finals week :( 

I hope you liked this chapter! I found it a lil shitty but it's okay LOL

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have a great (rest of the) week!

love u cuties xx

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