twenty six

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"But it doesn't mean anything."

"It doesn't mean anything."

Louis' faint voice rang through my head about a good hundred times. Of course it meant something, but I told myself that it didn't. I chose to 'respect' Louis' choice of it not meaning anything and pushed it all under the rug. I don't want to be caught up in something right now.

Louis and I are just.. friends. Acquaintances. Buddies. Pals. Mates. Or as Louis'd like to say, we're 'fuck buddies.' But I don't see us as that. Yes, we did it a few times but it doesn't make name us as that. Whatever. I don't care. I'm just a girl helping out a boy with his addiction.

Two days after the most embarrassing date I've ever had in my life, I was sitting down in Louis' living room. He was up, pacing, trying to keep busy while I sat comfortably on his couch. "Louis," I dragged out, "the more you pace the more you'll think about it." I flicked to the next channel on his television.

"Oh, what do you fucking know?" His voice hissed at me. "You've never been deep in shit like this. Don't tell me what does what." He walked in front of me, his finger pressing into his chest. "I'm the one who's done it. I know what it's like. I'm the one fucking dealing with it, for fucks sake!"

I looked at him with a shocked expression. My eyes wide and somewhat amused. It's been a while since Louis has been an asshole to me and, honestly, I've missed it. My mouth started to deceive me, curling up into a smile. This was about to throw him over the edge.

"Alexis, don't you smile at me!" He raised his voice. His accent thickening with his anger. "What? Do you think this is funny? Seeing me all.." he paused, "what's the damn word?!" Louis threw his hands up in the air. After a few seconds of not being able to come up with what he wanted to yell at me for, he sat down on the chair across from me. His legs outstretched and his hands ruffling up his hair.

"Don't pull out your hair now. I need something to style. That's my job in your hands." I teased him, trying to ease him out of the tense state he was in. By now I was halfway through my six shoots.

"Fuck off, Alexis." Louis muttered.

Louis was mumbling, muttering, groaning, grunting on the couch. I was starting to get annoyed with everything he was doing. "Okay!" I raised my voice more than needed. His eyes snapped towards me, his eyebrows knitted together. His whole demeanor gave off a test-me-and-you-will-see-what-happens feeling. I raised my eyebrow and the grumpy model who was now flicking me off. "Fucking child." I barely heard him.

"You can't keep still or quiet and I can't stand you sitting over there making all sorts of noises about God knows what. I have a proposition to make you." I grinned at him.

Louis, whose eyes were closed, opened one eye peaking at me. "Please tell me you're going to let me have you on that couch." I felt my jaw fall open for about two seconds before I realized and closed it shut. I watched as one side of his lip turned up in a pleased smirk.

"No, you, grumpy yet horny, ass." I rolled my eyes at him. Louis laughed. Genuinely laughed. I have only heard him laugh like this once. He threw his head back and a rumble came up and out his chest. His hands clapping together in front of him. His eyes were shut tight that a few crinkles were visible by his eyes. I watched him laugh. I watched his chest rise up and down, sometimes in a pattern sometimes not. I looked at his Adams apple bob up and down slightly whenever a laugh escaped him.

Times like this, where Louis looked genuinely happy, were my favorite. It was very rare but when you see it, and especially when you are aware of it, it's quite a sight. Louis laughing also gave me a great view of his front body. With his head thrown back I could see his lightly tanned neck, the skin looked so soft and smooth. His jaw was in clear sight. I could see exactly where I would plant kisses, places where he would go crazy if my lips touched it.

When he clapped I was given the view of his slightly toned biceps. Tensing and untensing every time he pulled away or clapped. And his chest, when he would suck in for a breath his chest would rise up revealing bits of his chest tattoo. The beautiful semi-cursive letters peaking out of the hem of his shirt. And lower, where his pants lay, a slight bulge was displayed. Reminding me of how I felt those nights when I was wrapped up in Louis.

Before my thoughts quickly went dirty, Louis' final clap brought me back to reality. "Why, thank you, Alexis," His voice saying my name sent shivers up and down my arms. "for that good ass laugh." I swallowed hard, "You're welcome." And forced a smile.

"Well, what is it then?" He asked, his accent very thick in that one sentence. He leaned forward; his elbows resting on his knees. His eyes studying me intensely as if I was being interviewed for a job. I suddenly felt very insecure about how I was sitting. I sat up straight and tall and fixed my hair a bit.

"I propose that we arrange this little hell hole of yours!" I smiled wide with my arms outstretched.

"This 'hell hole' you speak of is actually quite comfortable and I like the way it's arranged." Louis defended his abode.

"It could look better." I spoke bluntly. When our eyes locked, Louis looked a tiny bit offended before quickly changing his lips into a solid line.

"Okay," he said through gritted teeth, "how would you change it?"

I quickly jumped to my feet and walked to his kitchen area. "Hurry up, now." I said in a horrible British accent. I heard Louis gag at the sound of it.

"For Christ's sake, you're going to rearrange my kitchen?" He huffed.

"Yes, because it drives me insane how you have your toaster next to the sink when it obviously should be by the bread since you eat it almost everyday." I did this for myself rather than for him. It bugged me.

We debated back and forth whether or not we should move his kitchen table to another room since he had rooms on either side of the kitchen. I opted for it to be in the other room because it was nicer but he said he liked it where it was at because he's used to taking a left to go to the dining room.

"You're saying that because you don't want to change your habits." I rolled my eyes at him.

Suddenly, I felt a stinging pain from my left arm. I turned around to see Louis gripping on it like his life depended on it. "Don't roll your pretty little eyes at me, Alexis." He spoke through a clenched jaw. The 'pretty' coming out more of a threat than a compliment.

I opened my mouth to fight him but was cut off by the loud bang of the front door hitting the wall. "What the fuck?" Louis mumbled, he let go of me and walked down the hallway. I followed.

"Wow, it actually smells clean in here." A female voice said. Louis came to a quick stop, identifying the person by her voice, before rushing down the hall.

When we finally reached the front door, I saw her. A dark brunette in a lopsided tank top and ripped jeans. Not the fashionable ripped jeans. Her hair was up in a bun but hair was falling out of it as if she just woke up.

Her eyes were bloodshot red and black and sunken around them. Her eyes spotted me first before landing on Louis'. She smiled a smile full of want and delinquency.

Louis' face was pale and emotionless. He just stared at her with absolutely nothing. His arms looked limp and his eyes were wide.

"Jackie." He coughed up.


Hey guys! This may have a few errors because I finished half of it on my phone since my mom was still on the laptop.

If you're good at making covers and want to make one for this, please feel free! Simple is always better (something like the one now). I'm thinking of changing it but idk. However it always nice to have options!!

I hope you enjoyed!

Don't forget to vote and comment :) and get your friends in on this! Let's try to get the read up as high as Temporary Fix :)

have a great weekend!

love u cuties xx

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