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A/N: I added the trailer but idk if it shows so I added the link down below!!

It's been a week.

One whole week since my encounter with the model; Louis Tomlinson. A whole week since I felt his intimating eyes stare me down. A whole week since I heard his sexy, smooth voice. Even though he spoke harsh to me I missed it.

Natalie has been busy planning the next photo shoot. She works for Adidas, the company Louis models for. Actually, Nat is an assistant for one of the main people who run photo shoots for the new clothes. 

I had a busy week myself, I was hired to style the groom and groomsmen hair at a wedding and I had a few shows I had to fill in because the original stylist was absent. 

After a long day at an upcoming tv show, I walked into my apartment and dropped my bag full of products next to the door. It gave a loud thud which, more than likely, my neighbor downstairs heard. I cringed at the sound, hoping my neighbor won't complain about me again. "Shhh," I shushed my bag, then laughed at myself for actually shushing a bag.

I quickly changed into something more comfortable and went into the kitchen to find something to satisfy my hunger. I found some leftover sushi from two nights ago when I went out to eat with a few friends, I smelled it and shrugged. Smells good to me.

I walked over to the counter and slid into a seat while turning on the tv. I heard a ding come from my phone inside my purse but decided to ignore it. It dinged once more and I turned up the volume, trying to silence it.

It stopped dinging, but started ringing. I groaned as I hopped off the seat and went to grab my phone. I saw it was Natalie, with food still in my mouth I answered. "What?" I mumbled.

"I need you," she breathed into the phone. Her voice deep, and full of panic. I quickly chewed my food, focusing on not to choke.

I cleared my throat, "What's wrong, Nat?" I asked scared that something happened to her. I looked at the clock and it was only 6:15. She would be getting off work right now. 

"I'm at work," she sighed. Oh no. "We have a last minute photo shoot," oh, God. Please, no. "Could you please come do the guys hair again? Please, please, please," she begged through the phone. 

I brought my hand to my face and rubbed my temples. I sighed and asked, "How long will it be?" immediately regretting it. I heard her high pitch squeal as I pulled my phone as far as I could. 

"Only three hours," she rushed out. "Will I get paid this time?" I made sure to ask because last time I wasn't paid. "Yes, yes, now please hurry and get your little behind over here!" she said with excitement in her voice.

I groaned, "I'm coming, I got to get ready," I told her and she repeatedly said okay. Before I hung up the phone I heard her scream, "Okay! We have a male stylist on her way! Get everything ready!" 

I walked into my closet and decided to not dress up for tonight. Who am I trying to impress anyways? I pulled on black leggings and a long sleeved shirt. I pulled my hair into a bun and applied little-to-no make-up and slid into my running shoes and headed out the door.


I walked into the building that Nat said the photo shoot was being held at. A small chime indicated as I walked through the door, before I set down my foot to take another step Nat came out of nowhere, picked up my bag and yelled at me to follow her.

"All the guys are in here waiting for you, you don't have to fix their hair up so much. Just put it into a nice fringe, almost like bed head but not too much bed," she threw my bag into my chest and pushed me around a corner where all the male models were.

My shoes made a loud squeak as I tried to break my fall from her push. All heads turned and looked at me. Holy shit were they hot. I shoved the thought out of my head and put my game face on. "Who's up first?" I asked as I set my bag on the first table I saw.

There were about ten different models, none I ever met before. I finished up fixing this guys hair and yelled out 'next' as he got up and walked out into the shooting area. David, the model I met from the first time I helped out Nat, came into my chair.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, happy to see a familiar face. "Hey, Alex," he smiled at me. I looked around and saw he was the last one. Hmm, I guess no Tomlinson today. 

"You're the last one huh?" I asked as I started to spray his hair. 

"Yeah, it's a small photo shoot and they didn't want to spend a lot of money on a bunch of us so they only called us in," he spoke to me, looking at me through the mirror.

"Where's the intense one?" I laughed as I said an 'inside joke'

"Oh, Louis Tomlinson?" he chuckled, "He's a newbie. They don't really call in new guys for night time shoots because they pay more since it's 'after hours' and all. The company thinks they should earn it or something," he explained. I nodded as I looked up in the mirror and turned his chair from the left to the right, looking at his hair.

"Well, you're all done!" I clapped my hands together. "And I am out of here," I started packing up my bag while David got out of the chair. 

From the corner of my eye I saw him about to reach the corner that led to the shooting area but stopped. "Hmm, I guess they decided that he earned it," he called out before he left. I looked up confused from what he said. 

I started to walk to where he was, but before I reached the corner someone bumped into me. "Hello, love," I heard a British accent say. 

Fuck me.

I looked up and saw the one and only Louis fucking Tomlinson.


Hey guys! Thank you all so much for the 200+ reads! OMG I'm glad some of you are enjoying this, I'm having so much fun writing it! 

I MADE A TRAILER FOR THIS BTW AKFKJD CHECK IT OUT ( ) I also added for the picture/video thingy but idk if it's working 

This was sort of a filler chapter because I didn't want to make it too long.

Please vote and comment if you're enjoying!

follow me on twitter @kingtomlnsn ! and feel free to message me :)

love u cuties xx

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