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I stared at Louis with wide eyes. Confused with his sudden actions. As I stared into his eye, I noticed a flame of anger raging higher and higher, and a wave of disgust and fear crashing, mixing in with the flame. Both fighting to take over Louis and his emotions.

His breathing spiked. Inhaling sharp breaths, exhaling long, jagged ones. His eyebrows were knitted together tightly. Underneath them, his eyes were wide open. His hand that was one my arm slowly tightened, pain slowly being felt.

I looked down at his other hand that was free. In it was the wet paper towel that I once had. I didn't even notice him snatching it from me. I looked down at his feet. They were unusually flat, unlike the usual slimness of his feet, from the pressure that he was putting on them.

My eyes trailed back up to his grip on my arm. His fist that held my arm was now yellow, the blood gone from his fist as he held on to me tightly. The pain was much, much more now. "Louis," I whispered, "you're hurting me."

Louis' eyes shifted from my face down to his fist then back up to me. This time a cloud of sadness and sorrow filled his eyes. He quickly opened his fist and my hand reached to the released part. Once his hand released my arm, he clenched it again. This time, not in anger, but in fear.

"I-I'm sorry." He stuttered, taking a few steps back. He lifted his hands and laid them on the crown of his head and started walking around the dining table. His eyes stared forward, not once looking down onto the table, avoiding the white lines that wait there.

"You should leave." He said from across the table. He turned at the corners edge and now he was walking straight to me with shut eyes. I could hear him taking deep breaths with his hands still on his head.

I walked up to him and gently put my hands on his forearms. Bringing his hands down, I told him to open his eyes. I could tell by the look in his eyes that his mind was racing. Louis' eyes was, how corny it may seem, the way to see his emotions. His eyes, even from afar, are prominent marks of his emotions.

They would always be blue, but different shades revealed different emotions. If they were light, he was happy, excited, and joyful. If they were dark, he was angry, upset, and irritated. If they were pale, he was surprised, shocked, and maybe even scared. If they were dim, but not dark, he was sad, distressed, and deep in thought.

But his eyes now were nothing that I've seen before. It was like a mixture of everything. I gave him a reassuring smile. "Go get dressed. You're following me." I reached behind him, my hand lying in the middle of shoulders, and gave him a push down the hallway. Louis cranked his head to the side.

"Well, come on!" I motioned for him to keep moving. "We don't have all day, Tomlinson!" I clapped my hands as if I was a photographer waiting for him to get on the set. He turned forward and walked away, not asking any questions. But it was obvious he was out of it. I need to get his mind off of this.

While he fixed himself up, I cleaned up the mess on the table. Rewetting a paper towel and gathering the white substance on the table. I felt disgusted even touching it through a paper towel. After cleaning it up and throwing away the rest of the stuff, I sat down at his table pulling out my phone. I looked through my calendar and saw a reminder that I had to find an outfit for a gathering I've been invited to.

"Fuck." I said under my breath. I forgot about that.

"Fuck what?" Louis' sudden voice surprised me. I jumped in my seat and turned around. He was now clean, dressed nicely, and looked much better than he did when I walked in here. He was feeling better because a smirk played on lips. "Fuck you?" He asked as he approached me. "I'd be glad to." He leaned on the back of my chair, his cologne filling up my nostrils.

I uneasily cleared my throat, "Suspended from the next few shoots, huh?" I asked. I was avoiding eye contact for a few seconds because of his uncouth remark. Louis slid into his previous seat and his eyes quickly glanced at the table, noticing it was gone and visibly relaxed.

"Yeah," he scoffed, "what shit punishment." He brought his foot up and laid it on his knee. The usual position guys do.

"Well you kind of deserved it." I blatantly said without thinking. My eyes shot up and looked at him as soon as the words left my mouth.

Louis threw his foot off of his knee and slamming in back on the ground. His shoe making a loud clap against the floor. He leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees. "No, I didn't." He said through gritted teeth.

I gulped, a sudden wave of courage has flown into me, and I spoke, "Coming to work drunk? A shoot you were supposed to be in? Causing a scene? Passing out in the dressing room and not waking up until after the shoot has ended?" I recalled. "I'd say you sure as hell deserved it, maybe even something more because that was 'shit punishment.'" I quoted him.

Louis raised his eyebrows and a smirk was plastered onto his face. He raised his hand to his mouth and rubbed his mouth; the smirk disappeared. His index and thumb finger circled around his lips and met at the tip of chin, staying there a few seconds.

As if there was a switch that he controlled; my breathing shifted, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, goose bumps formed throughout my body, and chills were sent up my spine. Our eyes locked and a mischievous flame flickered in his eyes.

He slowly rose up and out of his chair and leaned on the table over to me. Our face inches away. I was breathing heavily now, and a nervous sweat broke out. The left side of his lips hitched up. A lopsided smirk. Fuck. Louis leaned in closer, now only centimeters apart. "You should be punished." He whispered against my lips, his warm breath hitting my parted lips.

He put a finger beneath my chin and pushed up, "Close your mouth, Alexis." He pulled back and winked at me before walking away. As soon as he left, I let out an overdue breath. I quickly got up, ran my hands through my hair, slapped myself a little, and quickly followed him down the hallway and out of his home.


Happy Thursday :) decided to not wait till Friday because I might not be able to update it and because I wrote the chapter yesterday and felt like sharing!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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Have a great Friday + weekend!

love u cuties xx thank you for all that you do❤

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