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WARNING: drugs are being talked about and (not really) used, so if you're uncomfortable with this you can skip down to the 17th paragraph where it says "louis slammed blah blah blah" btw this is unedited

I've had my share of experience with drugs. I've never done it. Okay, that's a lie, I smoked weed ONCE. I tried it that one time and never did it again, I didn't like it.

But my brothers.. Now they were into the hardcore stuff. I have two older brothers, both in their early thirties and they are just one year apart. They're each other's bestfriends.

I remember watching them through the car window on the way to drop me to school, stop by an unfamiliar house. They'd pull out their wallet and hand over money, in return they'd receive something in a baggy.

First, it was small pills. I thought it was actual medicine, little did I know that it wasn't. A few months later I saw them crush the pills, roll up a dollar bill, stick it up their nose and inhale the crushed substance.

It eventually got worse, they started doing cocaine, then heroin, then it escalated to more stuff.

I was really close to my brothers, besides the fact that they did drugs, they were so good to me. They were the best brothers anyone could have asked for. When I was sixteen, they were in their early twenties. Just turned legal.

They went out drinking one night, they stopped doing drugs once and for all. I was happy for them, I felt like they needed to go out and celebrate, so they did. But they had a relapse. One of their old friends was in the bar they were in, saw them and offered them some 'new shit' that was 'straight off the market'

My brothers resisted at first, but then gave in. They overdosed; they died in the bathroom of the bar. My mom and I got the call from the police, and we rushed to the bar and saw them.

That was the night I decided that I will have no respect for people who give their life to drugs. I will not tolerate it, I will not have any sympathy, nothing.

When I walked into the men's bathroom, I didn't expect to see what I saw and I lost it.

I shoved the body guards arm away from me and walked up to Louis, his eyes were wide and full of surprise. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled in his face.

I watched how his hand that held the filthy, rolled up dollar rise to his nose and wipe it, "What do you think you're doing, love?" he slowly spoke.

"Do you know how harmful, how dangerous, how disgusting this shit is?" I smacked the dollar bill away from his hands and the two girls were quick to fly to the floor with it---frantically trying to pick it up.

Louis snickered then threw his head back and let out a laugh, "Yes, I fucking know," he grabbed the bill from one of the girls and placed it between his fingers again, just like a cigarette.

I was furious at how he was acting, as if it was 'cool' to be doing this. He lowered his head, trying to snort another line. I sucked in a huge breath and blew at the sink.

The once three perfectly lined up lines of crack were suddenly powder floating in the air.

Louis slammed his fist against the sink causing a loud bang that it made not only me, but the body guard jump as well. I heard his harsh, jagged breath fill the room. The occasional thump from the music seeping into the silent room every now and then.

His eyes snapped up at mine, it was wide, dilated, and full of anger. "What the fuck did you do?" he yelled, breaking the silence.

I ignored his question, "Why do you do this type of shit?" I yelled back as I walked closer to him, closing the gap between us.

His mood changed so quickly, the previous angry model was now all giggly and full of smiles, "Why do I do this type of shit?" he quoted me as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Why do I do this shit?" he said once more, putting emphasis on 'I'

"I'm a fucking model, Alexis," he said with a playful tone, "It's what models do," he dragged out.

"Well, you're a shit model," I mimicked his tone, I turned on my heel and started to walk towards the door.

"You didn't fucking see anything, Alexis!" Louis' voice yelled after me, I ignored him and continued walking out of the door and into the live party.

I was quick to find Natalie, she was still at the same spot at the bar where I left her a few minutes ago. She was sipping on her drink when she saw me. She jumped up and ran to me.

"We got to go," we both said at the same time. We nodded our heads in agreement and made a bee line for the exit.

"Ladies!" a guy I didn't know came up to us, "Leaving so soon, are we Nat?" he directed his question to her. He was obviously drunk, he couldn't even stand up straight.

"Yeah, sorry! Maybe some other time," she apologized and we started walking again.

"Bye, Natalie's friend!" he called out to me, I turned around to give him a small wave but I was greeted with the sight of Louis fucking Tomlinson shoving everyone out of his way while his eyes were dead set on me.


Hey, guys! This is kind of an intense chapter, well for me lol.

And I felt bad writing this bc of the recent photos of Louis and all the drama, and stupid rumors that are being spread around.

But, all in all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Vote and comment! Share the story to your friends! Just kidding :)

love u cuties xx

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