thirty nine

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Fade in.

"David, who is she?"

Fade out.

Fade in.

I was sitting on something hard and cold. Like a metal chair. A bright light flashing down on me. A figure pacing in front of me but I couldn't make out who. He stopped in front of another person and grabbed him by the shirt. "You don't fucking understand."

Fade out.

Fade in.

I could feel my eyes open, or atleast I thought. The black bag no longer on my head but I couldn't see anything. My eyes weren't working. They felt heavy and tired. A hand was pressed on my cheek before my head was covered again with the bag. The angry man from earlier spoke. "She's beautiful. Fuck, David."

Fade out.

Fade in.

I could see again. This time my eyes weren't heavy. They weren't tired. They were alert and scanning everything through the bag on my head. Three people. It looked like two males and one female. I tried to move, subtly, not to draw attention. I felt restrains on my arms, legs, hands, and feet. I was sitting on a chair. My arms tied to the arm rests, same with my legs. I tried to look down but felt a force against my neck. My neck was tied to a fucking pole.

Steps. Heavy footsteps. Two people frantically walking towards me.

Fade out.

Fade in.

"Hey, listen to me." I heard David's voice.

"I don't want to fucking hear you speak, David. I don't want to hear your fucking voice. I don't want to see your fucking face. I don't give a shit about you. All I care about right now is Alexis."

Chills ran up down my arms and spine as I heard my name be called. My breath hitched in my throat and I could feel my hearbeat slowly beat faster. It's Louis.

Fade out.

Fade in.

"Tomlinson!" I heard the angry man's voice call out. It sounded hoarse, like he's been yelling for quite some time now.

"I don't fucking have it, Julius!" Louis yelled back. The tone of his voice made me flinch.

A few heads looked my way, noticing my movement. I saw a figure walk toward me and lowered themself to me. "Is she fucking awake?" I heard Julius' voice. His breath hitting the fabric in front of my face. The smell of cigarettes that were on his breath caused me to cough.

"You said she wouldn't be awake!" Louis' voice became louder as I saw a figure walk towards Julius. "You said she wouldn't be awake and she wouldn't witness this fucking shit." He muttered angrily.

Julius stood up straight and looked at me. My breathing started to become labored as fear started to rise in me. "Hit her with another one." Julius motioned towards me with his head. I tried my best to pretend that I was still unconscious but my whole body said the opposite.

"Fucking hell." Louis' figure grabbed at his hair before sitting down on the ground.

Julius' figure walked beside him and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Even if she is awake, she won't remember shit."

Then a hand with a cloth that had a familiar scent covered my nose.

Fade out.

Fade in.

"You said you had it two fucking months ago. Where the fuck is it?"

"I had it then, but now I don't."

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