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A/N: I've been away too long and couldn't wait till Friday

"Can you help me?"

His words lingered in the air for a few seconds. I needed those few seconds to comprehend what he asked me. My eyes slowly lowered down onto the table in those few seconds of silence after his words.

He asked me for help. To help him get over his drug addiction. Louis fucking Tomlinson wanted my help.

I snapped my gaze back up at him. He was staring at me with wide eyes, his lips quivering showing nervousness. Those blue eyes that were once dark with intimidation were now light with vulnerability.

"Help you?" I snorted. I started to laugh. Every 'ha' that left my mouth got louder. Soon everyone's head turned was quick to look at our booth. Louis, however, was quick to get angry.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" He spat out.

I couldn't answer him. I just continued laughing. I saw Louis' expression through my tear filled eyes.

He was not happy. His face was darkened with a deep scowl. His eyes were wide and tense under his furrowed eyebrows. His lips were pursed together in a very fine, thin line.

"Alexis." He said in a low, deep voice.

I felt myself slowly coming down from my little fit of laughter, but I was still laughing pretty hard.

"What are you staring at?!" Louis yelled at the other people in the restaurant whose attention I've caught. Their heads turned back to their table while others looked down onto their food, picking at it with their forks.

I finally contained myself, but now I was wheezing. Trying to get my breathing stabilized again.

"Alexis." Louis slammed a clenched fist onto the table, causing the salt and pepper to jump and fall over.

I looked at him with a hard scowl, finally catching my breath. I sat up straight and leaned over the table. "No." I simply said.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Louis questioned me through gritted teeth. I could tell he was fuming with anger.

"No, I'm not going to help you." I modestly said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Why the-"

I was quick to interrupt him. "You've been a huge jerk since we've met. I recall you saying you 'don't give a fuck about who I am' when I was simply introducing myself." I started. "Then, you continued being more of a shithead the rest of the day, and time, I'm ever near you. So no, I won't help you."

His intense stare that he had while I was talking softened a bit. "But you said if you could have helped your brothers you'd help them." He reasoned with me.

"Yes, my brothers. You aren't my brother. I'm sorry, Louis. Okay? I just don't want to be affiliated with drugs or you." I slung the strap of my purse onto my shoulder and started to scoot out of the booth.

"Alexis." He said my name.

"I'm leaving, Louis. Don't follow me or threaten me to stay because I won't." I stated.

"Alexis, please." Louis begged. "Stay, please. Just stay, and have a few minutes to think about it." He pleaded. This was a side I've never seen of him. A softer side to Louis Tomlinson, the model who intimidates everyone that he meets.

"I have thought about it." I whispered and walked away from the booth and to the front of the restaurant where the exit was.


The Next Day

I walked into the building that Natalie has texted me the address to. I had a photo shoot with Adidas today. One out of the five shoots that I agreed to.

Today reminded me of the first day I subbed for the stylist, the first day I met Louis. Everything was, once again, fast. People running across the crowded rooms, camera shutter sounds going off every ten seconds, people trying to talk over one another.

I slowly walked into the crowd, not wanting to have anyone bump into me. "Alex, hurry the hell up." I heard my bestfriends voice call out to me.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace, still cautious of other people. I reached the area where I would be stationed at for the next few hours. I set my bag down and looked around.

I know how hectic photo shoots can be, but something was different with today. I walked over to Natalie who was close to pull out her hair. She was talking to one of the assistants, flailing her arms dramatically.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I placed my hand on her shoulder as some soft of comfort and asked her.

She turned to me with a stressed look on her face. "A model isn't here." She raised her hand to her forehead as if she was checking if she had a fever.

"Where is the next model?!" The photographer yelled over to Nat.

"He's not fucking here, Marcus!" She yelled back. She turned back to the assistant and was quick to give her orders, "Call any small sized model that is listed in my address book. It's in my purse over there, whoever says their free tell them to get over here now." The assistant nodded and made a bee line to Natalie's purse.

"Tomlinson!" The photographer yelled out.

"He's not here, Marcus! I just told you!" Natalie yelled as she walked over to him.

Louis is the missing model. I remembered that I had his number in my phone, I pulled it out and started scrolling through my contacts.

Once I found his name, I called him. He answered on the third dial tone. "What?" his voice snapped through the voice.

"You have a shoot today." I was quick to cut to the chase.

"Alexis?" He slurred my name. Is he drunk? "Give me another one." He said in a low voice, talking to someone else.

"You need to come down here, everyone's losing their shit because you're missing." I told him.

He laughed. "Fuck no. I'm not going there if you're there." He laughed again.

"Louis, stop being stubborn-" he interrupted me.

"Stubborn? I'm acting fucking stubborn? Says you!" His voice raised, his words still slurred. "I fucking made myself vulnerable last night, asking you, out of all people, for help. And you fucking laugh at me, sweetheart."

I closed my eyes at his words. I did feel bad for laughing at him. "You said you don't want to be 'affiliate with me'" he quoted me, "Well, I don't want to 'affiliate' with you." I was left with a dial tone.

He hung up.I groaned and slid my phone into my back pocket. I decided to ignore the fact that I was upset and just do my job.

I was about done with one of the models hair when I heard a loud clang from fallen objects, and a few people gasp. I dropped my hands from his hair and walked over to a place where I could see what was happening.

"He's shitfaced." I heard one of the guys beside me whisper to his friend beside him.

"Where the fuck is she?" I heard his voice snarl. I moved to stand in front of the guy who was blocking my view to see who it was.

I looked into the, now, open area in the middle of the shoot to see Louis Tomlinson drunk off his ass with a half empty bottle of tequila in his hand.


Hey guys :) Here's an update two days early haha.

This was a filler chapter because the next chapter is where it's at ;)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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bye love u cuties xx

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