twenty eight

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I cried. 

And cried. And cried. And cried. Throughout all my crying, I was in Louis' arms. He held me tight, rubbed his hand up and down my back, lowly shushing me saying everything will be okay. He was so warm compared to me. I felt cold, so cold. 

Louis' body heat was the only thing warming me up on the cold bathroom floor. As I started to calm down, a faint scent flowed through my nose. Louis' scent, which was expensive cologne and a faint smell of cigarettes. It was comforting to have a somewhat familiar scent. 

I managed to get my breathing under control and to stop my eyes from involuntarily crying. A few minutes later, I pulled away from Louis but I didn't look him in the eyes. I just stared at his shirt. It was wet and mixed with blood and make-up. "I'm sorry." I apologized, rolling the tissue around my hands to try and clean it up. 

"Alexis," Louis said in a soft voice, "it's fine." He gently grabbed my hand, slowly prying the wad of tissue out of my hand. My face started to deceive me, my mouth turned into a frown and my eyes were watering again. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't stop it. With his hand around my hand, he pulled me into him again. A soft thud erupted from our bodies colliding. 

But I pulled away. More forceful than I should have. I looked him in the eyes. His eyes held a sense of hurt, but he was trying to cover it up. "If you keep hugging me I'm going to keep crying." I said as I exhaled, letting out a shaky laugh. 

"I'm just trying to help you. This is the only way I know how." Louis mumbled, obviously hurt. And this hurt me. It hurt me deeply knowing that he was upset. And it hurt more to know that I caused it. After the time spent with Louis, I have come to know the real him. 

The real Louis is so sweet and considerate. He thinks about everyone before he thinks of himself. Louis always makes sure that I am okay. He's so lovely, and he is so damn beautiful. Especially when he smiles. When he isn't smiling, he looks like the perfect asshole. When he is smiling, he looks like the most gorgeous single ray of sunshine on a rainy day. 

His whole face will light up and you can practically sense a change in his personality when he's smiling. But I also learned that he likes to keep that to himself. He's very closed to people. He rarely lets people in, that's why everyone see's him as the model stereotype. At the same time, that is who he is. He really does mirror the stereotype of a model but there's so much more to him. 

After seeing him happy, I don't like seeing him upset. I reached out to him, my hand touching the side of his arm. "I know, thank you." I offered him a small smile. "I guess," I paused, "this whole thing has been on hard on me too." 

Louis cocked his head to the side, "What do you mean?" 

We were still on the bathroom floor and I scooted back, leaving a few inches between me and Louis. I started to play with a thread coming out of his rug, distracting myself. "Alexis, what do you mean?" Louis' voice started to sound agitated. 

I started to frantically twist the thread around my finger. I could feel my heart beat growing louder in my ears. I shook my head, "Nothing, nothing," I muttered, "I'm just saying that it has been hard on me too, being around.. those substances again." 

As I looked up to meet Louis' eyes his face was all scrunched up. His eyebrows knitted together and his lips pursed into a thin line. Studying me. "Okay, let's get up." He offered me hand while he stood up first. I placed my hand into his and he gave it a tight squeeze, smiling at me. 

Louis went into the living room, turning on the television as I walked into the kitchen. The spot in front of the cabinet that held the cups had blotches of blood on the floor. My breath became shaky very quickly and I ran to the sink, wetting a paper towel. 

I knelt down beside the red stains on the floor, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath before cleaning it up. As I was wiping it up, I was staring at my knuckles. Memories of me cleaning up my brothers fists from fights they had in a bar or in a street or with a wall came flooding in. I winced. I missed them. 

I hadn't noticed that a tear had trailed down my cheek until Louis came in asking me what's wrong. My hand quickly went to my cheek, wiping. I sniffled, then sighed, and leaned back on my heels while I was still on my heels. "Just reminiscing." I plastered a fake smile on my face. 

I got to my feet, threw away the red paper towel and started to wash my hands. "Is there anything you'd like to do?" He asked nervously. 

"As a matter of fact, yes." I turned around and wiped my hands on my jeans. "Let's change the locks on your doors." Louis shot me a confused look. "You don't want any other high girls winding up in  your home again, do?" I explained. Without giving him time to answer, I said, "Unless you do, then that's fine with me. I'm probably going to need gloves though, I don't want my knuckles bleeding every weekend." I pretended to examine my knuckles when I heard Louis chuckle. 

I looked over at him, he was shaking his head. "Alexis, you're something else." He was looking down but I could see his lips curled up into a smile. 

"Grab the keys, homeboy. You're driving." I winked at him as I walked past him. As soon as I was out of his view, my smile turned into a frown. I don't want him to see me upset. I heard him laugh quietly behind me, which did make me smile. 

I told Louis to drive to the nearest Home Depot since he knew his way around this place. "Can I turn on the radio?" I asked. "Yeah, just don't play any of that girly shit, alright?" He replied. 

Louis and I have been nice towards each other for quite some time. It's been weird. I'm so used to hearing him be snarky with me that after a few days of playing nice that I missed him picking fights with me. I smiled a half smile as I reached for the tuner. I found a station that was playing Cheap Thrills by Sia featuring Sean Paul . "Is this song okay for you, your highness?" I said with sass. 

"Oh, shit. I actually like this song!" Louis said with excitement, whacking my hand away and making it louder. I exploded with laughter. 

"Oh, my God. Louis Tomlinson is such a girl!" I squealed in a teasing manner. 

"If you're not going to let me enjoy it, then you're not going to enjoy it either." He looked mad now, he wasn't playing around. He quickly shut off the radio and the car became quiet. His demeanor changed into a challenging vibe, something I didn't dare to do. 

"You ruin all the fun." I crossed my arms and leaned back into the seat. 

I saw Louis look at me through the sides of his eyes, "God, I love your tits." He whispered, ignoring my comment. 

I sighed and dropped my arms down to my lap. "Aw," Louis whined, "you ruin all the fun." 


Hey guys! I've missed asshole Louis tbh haha. 

Thank you all so much for the 2k votes! 

There has been a few of you that has read this book from beginning to now the past week or so, I'd like to say thank you! I can't name you because I can't find you LOL thanks for all the comments and votes you've given constantly! Thank you to EVERYONE who reads, comments, and votes! You're so kind to me!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Don't forget to comment and vote!

love u cuties xx 

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