fifty three

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It was three days until Christmas. After Louis' and I's little 'shenanigan' last night. We woke up around nine, got ready, went out for breakfast.

"What are you going to get?" I sighed, placing the menu down on the table.

"Alexis, this is the third time you've asked me this." Louis sighed. "I don't know." He placed his menu down.

"Nothing seems... appealing to me." I groaned. My stomach was growling and I've been filling up on water since we got here.

Louis and I were in an IHOP. Normally, I would love to eat here. But today, I just wasn't feeling it. Louis crossed his arms, thinking.

"Let's go in the city. Grab something in a fancy place. Then, you can go Christmas shopping." He suggested. "I know you still have some things to get."

"The city is too expensive for me." I whispered, slightly ashamed.

"I'll buy your meal."

"No, I don't want you to spend money on me anymore."

Louis cocked his head to side. His eyes questioning me. "I'm not all about your money, you know?" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes at me, Alexis." He murmured. "I know you don't care about money. You care about how good I am in bed." He winked. I, shocked at how loud he said it, kicked him in his shin.

"Fuck." He spat.

"Stop making sexual remarks in public, Louis." I mimicked him. Louis smiled at me.

"You love it." He whispered. Heat immediately rose to my cheeks.

I did love it. I love the shock it gave me. I love how his words fall out of his mouth, the way his lips move as he says it. I love the chills it sends through my body. I love it, but I won't let him know. It was my guilty pleasure, for lack of a better word.

My phone started vibrating. Buzzing around the table. I saw Louis take a peek at it before I answered it. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he ignored me.


"Alex!" Natalie's voice came through the phone.

"Hey, Nat. What's up?" I asked. I looked at the time. It was around nine thirty. She is usually at work and never calls me unless she needs something.

"Guess what." I could practically hear her grinning.



"It's nothing bad, right?" I joked.

I heard her scoff, "No."

"You... landed a job at a better company?" I guessed.

"Ha! I wish. Okay, I'm just going to tell you. I don't think you'll get it at the rate you're going now." She blurted out.


"I got you a job!" She squealed.

I brought the phone away from my ear and could still hear her. I looked over at Louis who was staring at me with wide eyes and a surprised smile on his lips. "Natalie?" He asked. I nodded.

"Okay, great. Thanks." I thanked her.

"I'm not done." She quickly said.


"I booked you and lover boy for the same shoot! So you two will be together. Now, how cute is that?" Her voice was full of pride. Proud of her accomplishment.

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