twenty two

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I woke up the sound of the shower running. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I sat up. I looked down at the bed and smiled, remembering what happened last night. My smile disappeared as soon as I got to the end of what happened last night, when Louis got up and left.

I let out a deep, long sigh as I threw my clothes back on. I walked over to the mirror that held Louis' stuff. Aftershave, a comb, an almost out bottle of lotion, and the watch he was wearing the day before. I combed my fingers through my disheveled hair pulling it into a really messy bun that sat atop of my head.

From the showers I heard his voice. Louis' voice. He was singing.

"Once I was seven years old, my mama told me 'go make some friends or you'll be lonely.'" He softly sung. "Once I was seven years old." His voice trailed off, mixing in with the pitter patter of the water hitting the tiles.

I started humming the rest of the song. It was one of my favorite songs. I continued to fix myself in the mirror when his voice gradually got louder and louder. He had an amazing voice. It was soft but also held a sense of raspiness. Voices like his aren't often heard but when you do it's so beautiful.

I hadn't noticed but I was now staring at the bathroom door through the mirror. Behind it was where Louis' angelic voice was seeping out of. Suddenly, the sound of the water had stopped and his voice small. I quickly shifted my gaze back to my face.

"Shit." I muttered as I rapidly wiped away the make-up that was smudged under my eyes.

The door flew open and a small amount of steam rushed out, Louis slowly followed. "Alexis." He said. His voice was a mixture of excitement and confusion. "I figured you'd still be asleep." He chuckled while ruffling his hair with another towel.

He had a dark blue towel wrapped around his waist leaving his upper body naked. A few droplets were still on his chest. My eye caught one droplet that was racing its way down his body and into the towel. I looked down and bit on my lip, cursing myself for staring at him.

"I can see you, you know?" His thick accent came out with his pronunciation. My eyes shot up, looking at him through the mirror. His body was in full view now.

His hair sticking up in the front while the back was flat against his head. The towel he used to wipe his head was now lying across his shoulders. He ran his hand through his hair and I caught a glimpse of his smiley face tattoo. My eyes looked down once more, but not to the floor.

The tattoos on his shins caught my eye, 'The Rogue' and above it a spider web. "You're awfully quiet." His voice snapped me out of my staring. He was now walking into his closet, deciding what to wear.

"It's still too early." I said. Gathering up my things, I walked to the closet and leaned against the frame. "I'm going to head out. I'm meeting Natalie in my apartment before we go shopping." I gave a small smile as a goodbye.

"Oh?" He was surprised, "So, you weren't lying." He stifled a laugh.

I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him. "Goodbye, Tomlinson." I laughed and gave a wave as I walked across his bedroom.

"Thank you." He spoke out before I exited the room.

I turned to him and gave a bigger smile, "You're welcome." I closed the door behind me.


After five hours of trying on dresses, Nat and I decided it was time to eat.

We were in the outside seating of a restaurant. It was nice spending time with her. I haven't had a girl day in a while. I've been swamped with work and, of course, Louis.

Natalie and I were laughing at something we read over Twitter and now we were controlling ourselves.

"I swear, I don't understand some people's logic." She wiped at her eye carefully.

"I don't either so don't ask me," I laughed more, "Am I paying or you?" I reached for the check and was already pulling out my wallet.

"Actually, I got this." A husky voice said from behind me. My eyes widened as I stared at Nat, trying, somehow, to figure out who it was. Natalie's eyes were wide as well and her mouth was agape.

I turned in my chair and, to my surprise, David was standing there. "Oh, hey!" I gladly exclaimed, standing up to greet him with a hug. "Thanks, but it's okay. We got this." I declined him for paying our meal.

"No, Alex, I got this." David reassured me.

"No." I quickly said, grabbing the check from him and sliding my card in the slot.

He picked up his hands in defeat and a smile played on his lips.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as the waiter came and grabbed the check.

David re-fixed his hair which was already fixed. "I was walking across the street when I heard you laugh. I figured why not come over and see how you're doing since the last time I saw you." He shot me a big smile.

"You mean since yesterday?" I laughed and Nat snorted.

"Yeah, what are you doing with the rookie anyways?" He quickly changed his tone of voice.

I shifted from one foot to another and crossed my arms, "We're hanging out, why?" As soon as I said that I immediately regretted it. I felt too mean.

David shrugged and muttered a 'nothing.' "Anyways," He clapped his hands together, "since I couldn't pay for your meal today, how about I take you out for dinner? Tonight?"

"She'd love to!" Natalie yelled from the back of me. I turned around and gave her a stare as she continued sipping water from her straw.

"Great!" David said. He handed me his phone and asked me to put in my number and address so he can pick me up. Once I handed to him, he was smiling like a child who just went trick or treating. "I'll see you," He pointed at me, "at seven."

Once he left I quickly jumped back into my seat and slammed my hands on the table, making Nat jump. "Why'd you do that?!" I whispered harshly.

"Because he's cute, and you need a boyfriend." She shrugged and continued sipping on her straw.


Hey guys :) sorry if this wasn't so exciting, I've been really busy with exams and everything.

This was a filler chapter but I promise things will get exciting soon :)

Have a great weekend!

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love u cuties xx

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